Video - Guide
Section 0: Bonus schedule.
Index: Bonus identification number.
Check schedule guide for the rest.
Section 1: Bonus main configuration.
Index: Bonus identification number.
StartMessage: Index of the message from "Message.txt" that will appear when the bonus starts, -1 if none.
FinalMessage: Index of the message from "Message.txt" that will appear when the bonus ends, -1 if none.
BonusTime: Duration of the bonus, in seconds.
Section 2: Bonus effect configuration.
Index: Bonus identification number.
BonusIndex: Bonus effect effect.
Extra Experience rate = 0
Extra Master experience rate = 1
Extra Specific item drop rate = 2
Extra Common item drop rate = 3 (x/1000000)
Extra Excellent item drop rate = 4(x/1000000)
Extra Ancient item drop rate = 5(x/1000000)
Extra Goblin Point = 6
Extra Reset = 7
Extra Master reset = 8
BonusValue_AL0~3: Bonus effect value.
ItemIndex: Index of the item affected by the bonus, -1 if none.
ItemLevel: Level of the item affected by the bonus, -1 if any.
MapNumber: Map affected by the bonus, -1 if any.
MonsterClass: Monster affected by the bonus, -1 if none.
MonsterLevelMin: Minimum level of the monster affected by the bonus, -1 if any.
MonsterLevelMax: Maximum level of the monster affected by the bonus, -1 if any.
Related videos:
Index: Index of command
Command: Command Name
Enable: Enable/Disable command (0: Disable, 1: Enable)
Money: Money required to use the command
MinLevel: Min Level to use the command
MaxLevel: Max Level to use the command
MinReset: Min Reset to use the command
MaxReset: Max Reset to use the command
Delay: Delay to next use in seconds
GameMaster: Account Level to use the command (0: Normal Player, 1: GameMaster, 2: Administrator)
WC: WCoinC to use the command
WP: WCoinP to use the command
GP: GoblinPoint to use the command
Check the command syntax inside the command.txt
Related videos:
Index: Monster number.
MapNumber: Monster current map, -1 if any.
MaxLife: Monster life modifier. EX: (100) default, (200) double, (50) half.
DamageMin: Monster minimum damage modifier. EX: (100) default, (200) double, (50) half.
DamageMax: Monster maximum damage modifier. EX: (100) default, (200) double, (50) half.
Defense: Monster defense modifier. EX: (100) default, (200) double, (50) half.
AttackRate: Monster attack success rate modifier. EX: (100) default, (200) double, (50) half.
DefenseRate: Monster defense success rate modifier. EX: (100) default, (200) double, (50) half.
ExperienceRate: Monster experience given modifier. EX: (100) default, (200) double, (50) half.
KillMessage: Message index from "Message.txt". This message is sent to all players after the monster is killed. -1 if none.
InfoMessage: Message index from "Message.txt". This message is sent to the monster killer after the monster is killed. Have "RewardValue1" and "RewardValue2" as parameters. -1 if none.
RewardValue1: Reward WCoinC.
RewardValue2: Reward WCoinP.
RewardValue3: Reward GlobinPoint.
SummonMonster: When die summon this monster index.
SummonMonsterCount: Quantity invoked.
SummonMonsterRate: Chance of invocation.
Section 0: Jewel Info.
Index: Jewel identification number.
ItemIndex: Jewel item index.
MinItemLevel: Jewel target minimum required level, -1 if any.
MaxItemLevel: Jewel target maximum required level, -1 if any.
MaxItemOption1: Jewel target maximum required skill, -1 if any.
MaxItemOption2: Jewel target maximum required luck, -1 if any.
MinItemOption3: Jewel target minimum required JoL option, -1 if any.
MaxItemOption3: Jewel target maximum required JoL option, -1 if any.
MinItemNewOption: Jewel target minimum excellent option count, -1 if any.
MaxItemNewOption: Jewel target maximum excellent option count, -1 if any. If the value chosen is higher than 10, the system will check the full excellent code minus 10.
MaxItemSetOption: Jewel target ancient option, -1 if any. Put (0) to check if the item does not have ancient option, (1) to check if it have the first option, (2) to check if it have the second option, (3) to check if it have the first or second option.
MaxItem380Option: Jewel target 380 option, -1 if any. Put (0) to check if the item does not have 380 option, (1) to check if it does.
MinItemSocketOption: Jewel target minimum socket option count, -1 if any.
MaxItemSocketOption: Jewel target maximum socket option count, -1 if any.
EnableSlotWeapon: (1) can insert the jewel into weapons, (0) can not.
EnableSlotArmor: (1) can insert the jewel into set pieces, (0) can not.
EnableSlotWing: (1) can insert the jewel into wings, (0) can not.
SuccessRate_AL0~3: Jewel success rate, x/100.
SalePrice: Jewel zen sale price.
ModelName: Jewel model file name, without the extension.
Section 1: On jewel success.
Index: Jewel identification number.
Level: Amount of levels to add to the target item.
Option1: (1) insert skill to the target item, (0) not.
Option2: (1) insert luck to the target item, (0) not.
Option3: Amount of JoL option to add to the target item.
NewOption: Amount of excellent options to add to the target item. If the value is higher than 10, it will set the fixed option value minus 10.
SetOption: Insert ancient option to the item, (0) adds none, (1) first ancient option, (2) second ancient option, (3) first or second ancient option. Add to the value, 4 to make the item give +5 stats or 8 to make the item give +10 stats.
SocketOption: Amount of socket slots to add to the target item.
Section 2: On jewel failure.
Index: Jewel identification number.
Level: Amount of levels to sub from the target item.
Option1: (1) remove skill from the target item, (0) not.
Option2: (1) remove luck from the target item, (0) not.
Option3: Amount of JoL option to sub from the target item.
NewOption: Amount of excellent options to remove to the target item. If the value is higher than 10, it will set the fixed option value minus 10.
SetOption: Remove ancient option to the item.
SocketOption: Amount of socket slots to remove to the target item.
Section 3: Item Upgrade.
Index: Jewel identification number.
OldItemIndex: Item index base to use the jewel.
NewItemIndex: New index of the item to be changed.
KeepOpions: Keep the old item options
Index: Wing identification number.
ItemIndex: Wing item index.
DefenseConstA: Wing defense.
Defense = BaseDefense+(DefenseConstA*ItemLevel)
IncDamageConstA & IncDamageConstB: Wing increase damage rate.
IncDamage = (IncDamageConstA+(ItemLevel*IncDamageConstB))-100
DecDamageConstA & DecDamageConstB: Wing decrease damage rate.
DecDamage = 100-(DecDamageConstA-(ItemLevel*DecDamageConstB))
OptionIndex1~3: Wing JoL option index.
80 -> Add physi damage.
81 -> Add magic damage.
82 -> Add defense success rate.
83 -> Add defense.
84 -> Add luck.
85 -> Add HP recovery.
113 -> Add curse damage.
OptionValue1~3: Wing JoL option value.
Value = Value+(OptionValue*OptionLevel)
NewOptionIndex1~4: Wing excellent option index.
102 -> Add ignore defense rate.
109 -> Add full damage reflect rate.
110 -> Add full life recovery rate.
111 -> Add full mana recovery rate.
NewOptionValue1~4: Wing excellent option value.
ModelType: (0) Wings, (1) Cloak.
ModelName: Wing model file name, without the extension.
To make increase and decrease damage rates show correctly on the client, its needed to edit "ItemTooltip.bmd" file and put 26 and 33 values on increase and decrease damage rates text fields.
Section 0: Bonus schedule.
Index: Bonus identification number.
Check schedule guide for the rest.
Section 1: General Settings.
Index: Arena indentification number.
Name: Arena name.
WarningTime: Time, in minutes, that will open arena.
NotifyTime: Time, in minutes, delay before start the arena.
EventTime: Time, in minutes, the duration of the arena.
CloseTime: Time, in minutes, for the closing the arena.
StartGate: GateNumber of the arena (Gate.txt).
FinalGate: GateNumber to send the users when the event is finished (Gate.txt)..
MinUser: Minimum number of players to start the event.
MaxUser: Maximum number of players that can enter in the arena.
MaxDeath: Maximum nomber of deaths that a player can have before being removed of the arena(-1 to ignore).
MinLevel: Minumum level to enter the arena(-1 to ignore).
MaxLevel: Maximum level to enter the arena(-1 to ignore).
MinMasterLevel: Minumum master level to enter the arena(-1 to ignore).
MaxMasterLevel: Maximum master level to enter the arena(-1 to ignore).
MinReset: Minumum reset to enter the arena(-1 to ignore).
MaxReset: Maximum reset to enter the arena(-1 to ignore).
MinMasterReset: Minumum master reset to enter the arena(-1 to ignore).
MaxMasterReset: Maximum master reset to enter the arena(-1 to ignore).
DW,DK,FE,MG,DL,SU,RF: Define which classes can enter in the event.
0: Can't enter.
1: Can enter.
2: second class or more can enter.
3: third class or more can enter.
Adicional information: In Addition, custom arena must be added in files.
You need to add in the Move list in the client too.
Index: Identification number of the effect.
Group: Effect group, effects with the same group can not be used together.
ItemIndex: Item index associated with the Effect, -1 if theres none.
Name: Name of the effect.
Save: (1) the effect will be saved after character log off, (0) wont.
Type: (0) common expiration, (1) online only expiration , (2) fixed date expiration.
Flag: (0) buff effect, (1) debuff effect.
Count: Effect duration, in seconds.
Value1: Effect value 1.
Value2: Effect value 2.
Value3: Effect value 3.
Value4: Effect value 4.
DESCRIPTION: Controls the EventItemBag's of the server, can be used to add new bags based on requirements.
ItemIndex: Item index associated with the EventItemBag, -1 if none.
ItemLevel: Item level of the item associated with the EventItemBag, -1 if any.
MonsterClass: Monster associated with the EventItemBag, -1 if none.
TopHitCount: Allows you to drop items to more than one person who killed the monster, -1 if none.
SpecialValue: Fixed value associated with the EventItemBag, mostly internal use, -1 if none.
G_Type: Add the reward to Gremory Case (Disabled=0,Account=1,Character=2).
G_Num: Number of the Gremery Text (Check the MAIN_INFO, CustomMessageGremory.txt).
Coin1: Reward in WCoinC.
Coin2: Reward in WCoinP.
Coin3: Reward in GlobinPoint.
EventItemBag Normal
Related videos:
Section 0: Main configuration.
EventName: Event Item Bag name.
DropZen: Amount of zen that will be dropped, if item drop fails.
ItemDropRate: Item drop success rate, x/100.
ItemDropCount: Item drop amount.
SetItemDropRate: Ancient item drop rate, x/10000.
ItemDropType: (0) fixed option values, (1) random option values.
Fireworks: (0) fireworks effect disabled, (1) fireworks effect enabled.
DropInventory: (0) Drop Underground, (1) Add item directly in the inventory.
Section 1: Item configuration.
Section: Item section from "Item.txt".
Type: Item type from "Item.txt".
MinLevel: Minumum item level.
MaxLevel: Maximum item level.
Skill: (0) skill disabled, (1) skill enabled.
Luck: (0) luck disabled, (1) luck enabled.
Option: Jewel of Life option value.
Excellent: Excellent option count.
Section 2: Extended item configuration (OPTIONAL).
Section: Item section from "Item.txt".
Type: Item type from "Item.txt".
MinLevel: Minumum item level.
MaxLevel: Maximum item level.
Skill: (0) skill disabled, (1) skill enabled.
Luck: (0) luck disabled, (1) luck enabled.
Option: Jewel of Life option value.
Excellent: Excellent option count.
SetOption: Ancient option value. (0) disabled, (1) first set option, (2) second set option, (3) first or second set option. Adds to the value (4) to give the item +5 stats, (8) to give +10 stats.
SocketOption: Socket free slot count.
EventItemBag Advanced
Related videos:
Section 3: Item drop count.
Index: Item drop identification number.
DropRate: Item drop rate, x/10000.
DropInventory: (0) Drop Underground, (1) Add item directly in the inventory.
Section 4: Item drop main configuration.
Index: Item drop identification number.
Section: Item drop related file section.
SectionRate: Proportional rate to use the chosen section.
MoneyAmount: Amount of zen dropped.
OptionValue: Option value.
0 = None.
1 = Fireworks.
2 = Consider party members when checking class requeriment.
4 = Drop all items from section.
8 = Set item drop.
DW: (0) drop for Dark Wizard disabled, (1) enabled.
DK: (0) drop for Dark Knight disabled, (1) enabled.
FE: (0) drop for Fairy Elf disabled, (1) enabled.
MG: (0) drop for Magic Gladiator disabled, (1) enabled.
DL: (0) drop for Dark Lord disabled, (1) enabled.
SU: (0) drop for Summoner disabled, (1) enabled.
RF: (0) drop for Rage Fighter disabled, (1) enabled.
Section X: Item configuration.
Index: Item index.
Level: Item fixed level.
Grade: Item fixed excellent option or durability.
Option0: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 0, -1 if none.
Option1: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 1, -1 if none.
Option2: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 2, -1 if none.
Option3: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 3, -1 if none.
Option4: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 4, -1 if none.
Option5: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 5, -1 if none.
Option6: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 6, -1 if none.
Duration: Item duration time, in seconds, (0) for permanent item.
The proportional rate is the relative value of the SectionRate compared with the sum of all SectionRate lines with the same index.
Index Section SectionRate
0 X 7000
0 X 3000
1 X 66
1 X 66
2 X 20
2 X 20
2 X 20
1: 7000+3000 = 1000
2: 66+66 = 132
3: 20+20+20 = 60
Getting the individual rate of each SectionRate:
Formula: SectionRate / Total Rate x 100
1: 7000 / 10000 = 0,7 x 100 = 70%
2: 66 / 132 = 0,5 x 100 = 50%
3: 20 / 60 = 0,33 x 100 = 33%
MinLevel: Player minimum level required, -1 if any.
MaxLevel: Player maximum level required, -1 if any.
MinMasterLevel: Player minimum master level required, -1 if any.
MaxMasterLevel: Player maximum master level required, -1 if any.
MinReset: Player minimum reset required, -1 if any.
MaxReset: Player maximum reset required, -1 if any.
MinMasterReset: Player minimum master reset required, -1 if any.
MaxMasterReset: Player maximum master reset required, -1 if any.
ExperienceRate: Experience rate applied if all the line conditions are met. EX: (100) default, (200) double, (50) half.
DESCRIPTION: Controls Game Master access profile.
Account: Game Master account.
Name: Game Master character name.
Level: Game Master access level.(1: gm, 2:adm)
GameServerInfo - ChaosMix.dat
; Chaos Item Mix Settings
ChaosItemMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Chaos Item(Free).
ChaosItemMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Chaos Item(Vip1).
ChaosItemMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Chaos Item(Vip2).
ChaosItemMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Chaos Item(Vip3).
; Devil Square Mix Settings
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 1(Free).
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 1(Vip1).
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 1(Vip2).
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 1(Vip3).
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 2(Free).
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 2(Vip1).
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 2(Vip2).
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 2(Vip3).
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 3(Free).
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 3(Vip1).
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 3(Vip2).
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 3(Vip3).
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 4(Free).
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 4(Vip1).
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 4(Vip2).
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 4(Vip3).
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 5(Free).
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 5(Vip1).
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 5(Vip2).
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 5(Vip3).
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 6(Free).
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 6(Vip1).
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 6(Vip2).
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 6(Vip3).
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 7(Free).
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 7(Vip1).
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 7(Vip2).
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Devil's Invitation for Devil Square 7(Vip3).
; Plus Item Mix Settings
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL0 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 10(Free).
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL1 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 10(Vip1).
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL2 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 10(Vip2).
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL3 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 10(Vip3).
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL0 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 11(Free).
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL1 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 11(Vip1).
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL2 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 11(Vip2).
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL3 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 11(Vip3).
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL0 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 12(Free).
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL1 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 12(Vip1).
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL2 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 12(Vip2).
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL3 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 12(Vip3).
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL0 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 13(Free).
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL1 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 13(Vip1).
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL2 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 13(Vip2).
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL3 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 13(Vip3).
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL0 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 14(Free).
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL1 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 14(Vip1).
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL2 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 14(Vip2).
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL3 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 14(Vip3).
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL0 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 15(Free).
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL1 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 15(Vip1).
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL2 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 15(Vip2).
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL3 -> Combination rate to upgrade an item to level 15(Vip3).
PlusItemFailRemoveLevelAmount -> Remove x level when the mix failed, -1 to disable the system.
; Dinorant Mix Settings
DinorantMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Dinorant(Free).
DinorantMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Dinorant(Vip1).
DinorantMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Dinorant(Vip2).
DinorantMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Dinorant(Vip3).
; Fruit Mix Settings
FruitMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create Fruits(Free).
FruitMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create Fruits(Vip1).
FruitMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create Fruits(Vip2).
FruitMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create Fruits(Vip3).
; Wing2 Mix Settings
Wing2MixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 2(Free).
Wing2MixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 2(Vip1).
Wing2MixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 2(Vip2).
Wing2MixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 2(Vip3).
; Blood Castle Mix Settings
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 1(Free).
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 1(Vip1).
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 1(Vip2).
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 1(Vip3).
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 2(Free).
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 2(Vip1).
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 2(Vip2).
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 2(Vip3).
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 3(Free).
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 3(Vip1).
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 3(Vip2).
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 3(Vip3).
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 4(Free).
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 4(Vip1).
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 4(Vip2).
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 4(Vip3).
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 5(Free).
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 5(Vip1).
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 5(Vip2).
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 5(Vip3).
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 6(Free).
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 6(Vip1).
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 6(Vip2).
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 6(Vip3).
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 7(Free).
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 7(Vip1).
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 7(Vip2).
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 7(Vip3).
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 8(Free).
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 8(Vip1).
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 8(Vip2).
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Invisibility Cloak for Blood Castle 8(Vip3).
; Wing1 Mix Settings
Wing1MixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 1(Free).
Wing1MixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 1(Vip1).
Wing1MixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 1(Vip2).
Wing1MixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 1(Vip3).
; Pet Mix Settings
PetMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create Dark Horse or Dark Spirit(Free).
PetMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create Dark Horse or Dark Spirit(Vip1).
PetMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create Dark Horse or Dark Spirit(Vip2).
PetMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create Dark Horse or Dark Spirit(Vip3).
; Piece of Horn Mix Settings
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create Piece of Horn(Free).
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create Piece of Horn(Vip1).
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create Piece of Horn(Vip2).
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create Piece of Horn(Vip3).
; Broken Horn Mix Settings
BrokenHornMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create Broken Horn(Free).
BrokenHornMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create Broken Horn(Vip1).
BrokenHornMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create Broken Horn(Vip2).
BrokenHornMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create Broken Horn(Vip3).
; Horn of Fenrir Mix Settings
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Fenrir(Free).
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Fenrir(Vip1).
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Fenrir(Vip2).
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Fenrir(Vip3).
; Horn of Fenrir Upgrade Mix Settings
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to upgrade a Fenrir to Protection or Destruction(Free).
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to upgrade a Fenrir to Protection or Destruction(Vip1).
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to upgrade a Fenrir to Protection or Destruction(Vip2).
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to upgrade a Fenrir to Protection or Destruction(Vip3).
; Shield Potion Mix Settings
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a small SD potion(Free).
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a small SD potion(Vip1).
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a small SD potion(Vip2).
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a small SD potion(Vip3).
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a SD potion(Free).
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a SD potion(Vip1).
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a SD potion(Vip2).
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a SD potion(Vip3).
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a large SD potion(Free).
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a large SD potion(Vip1).
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a large SD potion(Vip2).
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a large SD potion(Vip3).
; Jewel of Harmony Item Purity Mix Settings
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Harmony(Free).
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Harmony(Vip1).
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Harmony(Vip2).
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Harmony(Vip3).
; Jewel of Harmony Item Smelt Mix Settings
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Lower refining stone(Normal Item)(Free).
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Lower refining stone(Normal Item)(Vip1).
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Lower refining stone(Normal Item)(Vip2).
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Lower refining stone(Normal Item)(Vip3).
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Higher refining stone(Excellent Item)(Free).
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Higher refining stone(Excellent Item)(Vip1).
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Higher refining stone(Excellent Item)(Vip2).
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Higher refining stone(Excellent Item)(Vip3).
; Jewel of Harmony Item Restore Mix Settings
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to clear the Harmony Option(Free).
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to clear the Harmony Option(Vip1).
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to clear the Harmony Option(Vip2).
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to clear the Harmony Option(Vip3).
; Item380 Mix Settings
Item380MixRate1_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a 380 item(ItemLevel < 7)(Free).
Item380MixRate1_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a 380 item(ItemLevel < 7)(Vip1).
Item380MixRate1_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a 380 item(ItemLevel < 7)(Vip2).
Item380MixRate1_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a 380 item(ItemLevel < 7)(Vip3).
Item380MixRate2_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a 380 item(ItemLevel >= 7)(Free).
Item380MixRate2_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a 380 item(ItemLevel >= 7)(Vip1).
Item380MixRate2_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a 380 item(ItemLevel >= 7)(Vip2).
Item380MixRate2_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a 380 item(ItemLevel >= 7)(Vip3).
; Illusion Temple Mix Settings
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 1(Free).
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 1(Vip1).
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 1(Vip2).
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 1(Vip3).
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 2(Free).
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 2(Vip1).
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 2(Vip2).
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 2(Vip3).
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 3(Free).
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 3(Vip1).
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 3(Vip2).
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 3(Vip3).
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 4(Free).
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 4(Vip1).
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 4(Vip2).
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 4(Vip3).
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 5(Free).
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 5(Vip1).
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 5(Vip2).
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 5(Vip3).
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 6(Free).
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 6(Vip1).
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 6(Vip2).
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Scroll of Blood for Illusion Temple 6(Vip3).
; Feather Of Condor Mix Settings
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create Feather of Condor(Free).
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create Feather of Condor(Vip1).
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create Feather of Condor(Vip2).
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create Feather of Condor(Vip3).
; Wing3 Mix Settings
Wing3MixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 3(Free).
Wing3MixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 3(Vip1).
Wing3MixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 3(Vip2).
Wing3MixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create Wings Level 3(Vip3).
; Socket Item Create Seed Mix Settings
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Seed(Free).
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Seed(Vip1).
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Seed(Vip2).
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Seed(Vip3).
; Socket Item Create Seed Sphere Mix Settings
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Seed Sphere(Free).
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Seed Sphere(Vip1).
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Seed Sphere(Vip2).
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Seed Sphere(Vip3).
; Summon Scroll Mix Settings
SummonScrollMixRate1_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv2)(Free).
SummonScrollMixRate1_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv2)(Vip1).
SummonScrollMixRate1_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv2)(Vip2).
SummonScrollMixRate1_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv2)(Vip3).
SummonScrollMixRate2_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv3)(Free).
SummonScrollMixRate2_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv3)(Vip1).
SummonScrollMixRate2_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv3)(Vip2).
SummonScrollMixRate2_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv3)(Vip3).
SummonScrollMixRate3_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv4)(Free).
SummonScrollMixRate3_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv4)(Vip1).
SummonScrollMixRate3_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv4)(Vip2).
SummonScrollMixRate3_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Summon Scroll (Lv4)(Vip3).
; Lucky Item Refine Mix Settings
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Extension(Durability < 255)(Free).
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Extension(Durability < 255)(Vip1).
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Extension(Durability < 255)(Vip2).
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Extension(Durability < 255)(Vip3).
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Extension(Durability = 255)(Free).
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Extension(Durability = 255)(Vip1).
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Extension(Durability = 255)(Vip2).
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Jewel of Extension(Durability = 255)(Vip3).
; Monster Wing Mix Settings
MonsterWingMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Ex700 Wings(Free).
MonsterWingMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Ex700 Wings(Vip1).
MonsterWingMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Ex700 Wings(Vip2).
MonsterWingMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Ex700 Wings(Vip3).
; Socket Weapon Mix Settings
SocketWeaponMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create Socket Weapon(Free).
SocketWeaponMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create Socket Weapon(Vip1).
SocketWeaponMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create Socket Weapon(Vip2).
SocketWeaponMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create Socket Weapon(Vip3).
; Pentagram Mithril Mix Settings
PentagramMithrilMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Mithril(Free).
PentagramMithrilMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Mithril(Vip1).
PentagramMithrilMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Mithril(Vip2).
PentagramMithrilMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Mithril(Vip3).
; Pentagram Elixir Mix Settings
PentagramElixirMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Elixir(Free).
PentagramElixirMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Elixir(Vip1).
PentagramElixirMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Elixir(Vip2).
PentagramElixirMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Elixir(Vip3).
; Pentagram Jewel Mix Settings
PentagramJewelMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Errtel(Free).
PentagramJewelMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Errtel(Vip1).
PentagramJewelMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Errtel(Vip2).
PentagramJewelMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Errtel(Vip3).
; Pentagram Decomposite Mix Settings
PentagramDecompositeMixRate_AL0 -> Combination rate to create a Mithril,Elixir,Jewel Combination Frame(Free).
PentagramDecompositeMixRate_AL1 -> Combination rate to create a Mithril,Elixir,Jewel Combination Frame(Vip1).
PentagramDecompositeMixRate_AL2 -> Combination rate to create a Mithril,Elixir,Jewel Combination Frame(Vip2).
PentagramDecompositeMixRate_AL3 -> Combination rate to create a Mithril,Elixir,Jewel Combination Frame(Vip3).
; Socket Item Destroy Seed Mix Settings
SocketItemDestroySeedMixRate_AL0 -> Option rate to keep or destroy the seed when mix(Free).
SocketItemDestroySeedMixRate_AL1 -> Option rate to keep or destroy the seed when mix(Vip1).
SocketItemDestroySeedMixRate_AL2 -> Option rate to keep or destroy the seed when mix(Vip2).
SocketItemDestroySeedMixRate_AL3 -> Option rate to keep or destroy the seed when mix(Vip3).
GameServerInfo - Character.dat
Character Damage Rate Settings
DuelDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in duel.
GensDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP Gens.
ChaosCastleDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP Chaos Castle.
IllusionTempleDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP Illusion Temple.
CastleSiegeDamageRate1 -> Damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between different guilds players.
CastleSiegeDamageRate2 -> Damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between players from the same guild.
CastleSiegeDamageRate3 -> Damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege doors and statues.
CastleSiegeDamageRate4 -> Damage Percentage applied to non CS user X CS User.
CastleSiegeDamageRate5 -> Damage Percentage applied to CS User to non CS User.
CastleSiegeDamageRate6 -> Damage Percentage applied to non CS user X non CS User.
CastleSiegeDamageRate7 -> Damage Percentage applied to non CS user X doors and statues.
CastleSiegeDamageRateUserCrown -> Damage Percentage applied to user holding the crown switch
GeneralDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP.
GeneralDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvE.
ReflectDamageRatePvP -> Percentage reflected damage that will be caused in PvP.
ReflectDamageRatePvM -> Percentage reflected damage that will be caused in PvE.
GeneralDarkSpiritDamageRatePvP -> Dark Spirit damage rate PvP.
GeneralDarkSpiritDamageRatePvM -> Dark Spirit damage rate PvM.
Character Class Damage Rate Settings
DWDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvP.
DKDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight in PvP.
FEDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf in PvP.
MGDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator PvP.
DLDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvP.
SUDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Summoner in PvP.
RFDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter in PvP.
DWDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvE.
DKDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight in PvE.
FEDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf in PvE.
MGDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator in PvE.
DLDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvE.
SUDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Summoner in PvE.
RFDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter in PvE.
Character Class X Class Damage Rate Settings
DWDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against DWs.
DWDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against DKs.
DWDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against AGs.
DWDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against MGs.
DWDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against DLs.
DWDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against SUs.
DWDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against RFs.
DKDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against DWs.
DKDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against DKs.
DKDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against AGs.
DKDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against MGs.
DKDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against DLs.
DKDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against SUs.
DKDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against RFs.
FEDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against DWs.
FEDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against DKs.
FEDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against AGs.
FEDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against MGs.
FEDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against DLs.
FEDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against SUs.
FEDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against RFs.
MGDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DWs.
MGDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DKs.
MGDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against AGs.
MGDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against MGs.
MGDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DLs.
MGDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against SUs.
MGDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against RFs.
DLDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against DWs.
DLDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against DKs.
DLDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against AGs.
DLDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against MGs.
DLDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against DLs.
DLDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against SUs.
DLDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against RFs.
SUDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against DWs.
SUDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against DKs.
SUDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against AGs.
SUDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against MGs.
SUDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against DLs.
SUDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against SUs.
SUDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against RFs.
RFDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against DWs.
RFDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against DKs.
RFDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against AGs.
RFDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against MGs.
RFDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against DLs.
RFDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against SUs.
RFDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against RFs.
; Character Max Rate Settings
MaxReflectRate -> Max total character relect rate.
MaxDamageReductionRate -> Max total character damage reduction rate.
MaxCriticalDamageRate -> Max total critical damage rate.
MaxExcellentDamageRate -> Mas total excellent damage rate.
MaxDoubleDamageRate -> Max total double damage rate.
MaxTripleDamageRate -> Max total triple damage rate.
Character Class Reflect Damage Rate Settings
DWReflectDamageRate -> Max DW reflect damage rate.
DKReflectDamageRate -> Max DK reflect damage rate.
FEReflectDamageRate -> Max FE reflect damage rate.
MGReflectDamageRate -> Max MG reflect damage rate.
DLReflectDamageRate -> Max DL reflect damage rate.
SUReflectDamageRate -> Max SU reflect damage rate.
RFReflectDamageRate -> Max RF reflect damage rate.
Character Stuck Rate Settings
DWDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
DKDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
FEDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
MGDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
DLDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
SUDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
RFDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
FenrirDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage when riding fenrir.
DarkHorseDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage when riding dark horse.
UniriaDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage when riding uniria.
DinorantDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage when riding dinorant.
Character Damage Multiplier Settings
DKDamageMultiplierConstA -> Energy divider of the Dark Knight damage multiplier.
DLDamageMultiplierConstA -> Energy divider of the Dark Lord damage multiplier.
RFDamageMultiplierConstA -> Dexterity divider of the Rage Fighter damage multiplier.
RFDamageMultiplierConstB -> Vitality divider of the Rage Fighter damage multiplier.
RFDamageMultiplierConstC -> Energy divider of the Rage Fighter damage multiplier.
Character Dark Spirit Settings
DarkSpiritRangeAttackRate -> Dark Spirit chance Percentage carry out an attack in the area.
DarkSpiritCriticalDamageRate -> Dark Spirit chance Percentage perform a critical attack.
DarkSpiritExcellentDamageRate -> Dark Spirit chance Percentage doing an excellent attack.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed.
DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstB -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed.
DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstC -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed.
DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstD -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed.
DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Dark Spirit attack.
DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Dark Spirit attack.
DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Dark Spirit attack.
Character Dark Horse Settings
DarkHorseDamageReductionConstA -> Constant formula of the Dark Horse damage reduction calculation.
DarkHorseDamageReductionConstB -> Constant formula of the Dark Horse damage reduction calculation.
# FORMULA = ((DarkHorseDamageReductionConstA DarkHorseLevel +) / DarkHorseDamageReductionConstB) #
; Character Combo Skill Damage Settings
DWComboDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
DWComboDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
DKComboDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
DKComboDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
FEComboDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
FEComboDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
MGComboDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
MGComboDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
DLComboDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
DLComboDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
SUComboDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
SUComboDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
RFComboDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
RFComboDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerStrength + PlayerDexterity + PlayerEnergy) / ComboDamageConstA) * ComboDamageConstB) #
Character Skill Earthquake Damage Settings
EarthquakeDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of Earthquake magic.
EarthquakeDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of Earthquake magic.
EarthquakeDamageConstC -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of Earthquake magic.
Character Electric Spark Skill Damage Settings
ElectricSparkDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of magic Electric Spark.
ElectricSparkDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of magic Electric Spark.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLeadership / ElectricSparkDamageConstA) + ElectricSparkDamageConstB) #
Character Dark Lord Skill Damage Settings
DLSkillDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of the spells of the Dark Lord.
DLSkillDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of the spells of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / DLSkillDamageConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / DLSkillDamageConstB)) #
New Character Skill Damage Settings
NovaDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage the new magic.
NovaDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage the new magic.
NovaDamageConstC -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage the new magic.
# FORMULA = ((NovaDamageConstA * (* NovaCount NovaDamageConstB)) + (PlayerStrength / NovaDamageConstC)) #
Character HP Recovery Settings
DWHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Dark Wizard).
DKHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Dark Knight).
FEHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Fairy Elf).
MGHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Magic Gladiator).
DLHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Dark Lord).
SUHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Summoner).
RFHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Rage Fighter).
Character MP Recovery Settings
DWMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Dark Wizard).
DKMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Dark Knight).
FEMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Fairy Elf).
MGMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery of MP (Magic Gladiator).
DLMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Dark Lord).
SUMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Summoner).
RFMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Rage Fighter).
Character BP Recovery Settings
DWBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP (Dark Wizard).
DKBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP (Dark Knight).
FEBPRecoveryRate -> periodic recovery Percentage of BP (Fairy Elf).
MGBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP (Magic Gladiator).
DLBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP (Dark Lord).
SUBPRecoveryRate -> periodic recovery Percentage of BP (Summoner).
RFBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP (Rage Fighter).
Character SD Recovery Settings
DWSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Dark Wizard).
DKSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Dark Knight).
FESDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Fairy Elf).
MGSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Magic Gladiator).
DLSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Dark Lord).
SUSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Summoner).
RFSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Rage Fighter).
Character Skill Plasma Storm Damage Settings
DWPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard.
DWPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard.
DWPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard.
DWPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard.
DKPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight.
DKPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight.
DKPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight.
DKPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight.
FEPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf.
FEPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf.
FEPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf.
FEPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf.
MGPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator.
MGPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator.
MGPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator.
MGPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator.
DLPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord.
DLPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord.
DLPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord.
DLPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord.
DLPlasmaStormDamageConstE -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord.
SUPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic.
SUPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic.
SUPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic.
SUPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic.
RFPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter.
RFPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter.
RFPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter.
RFPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter.
Character Damage Settings
DWPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Wizard.
DWPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Wizard.
DWMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage the Dark Wizard.
DWMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DWPhysiDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DWPhysiDamageMaxConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DWMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DWMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
DKPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Knight.
DKPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Knight.
DKMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage of the Dark Knight.
DKMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DKPhysiDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DKPhysiDamageMaxConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DKMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DKMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
FEPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Fairy Elf.
FEPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Fairy Elf.
FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstA -> Constant minimum physical damage calculation formula with bow Fairy Elf.
FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstB -> Constant minimum physical damage calculation formula with bow Fairy Elf.
FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage with bow Fairy Elf.
FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage with bow Fairy Elf.
FEMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage Fairy Elf.
FEMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +) / FEPhysiDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +) / FEPhysiDamageMaxConstA) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstA) + (PlayerDexterity / FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstA) + (PlayerDexterity / FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / FEMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / FEMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
MGPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Magic Gladiator.
MGPhysiDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Magic Gladiator.
MGPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Magic Gladiator.
MGPhysiDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Magic Gladiator.
MGMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage Magic Gladiator.
MGMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magical damage Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / MGPhysiDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / MGPhysiDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / MGPhysiDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / MGPhysiDamageMaxConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / MGMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / MGMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
DLPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Lord.
DLPhysiDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Lord.
DLPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Lord.
DLPhysiDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Lord.
DLMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage of the Dark Lord.
DLMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / DLPhysiDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / DLPhysiDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / DLPhysiDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / DLPhysiDamageMaxConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DLMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DLMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
SUPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Summoner.
SUPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Summoner.
SUMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage the Summoner.
SUMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage the Summoner.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +) / SUPhysiDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +) / SUPhysiDamageMaxConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / SUMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / SUMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
RFPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of Rage Fighter.
RFPhysiDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of Rage Fighter.
RFPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Rage Fighter.
RFPhysiDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Rage Fighter.
RFMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage of Rage Fighter.
RFMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage of Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / RFPhysiDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerVitality / RFPhysiDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / RFPhysiDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerVitality / RFPhysiDamageMaxConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / RFMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / RFMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
Character Attack Success Rate Settings
DWAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks.
DWAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks.
DWAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks.
DWAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks.
DKAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack.
DKAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack.
DKAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack.
DKAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack.
FEAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack.
FEAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack.
FEAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack.
FEAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack.
MGAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack.
MGAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack.
MGAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack.
MGAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack.
DLAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack.
DLAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack.
DLAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack.
DLAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack.
DLAttackSuccessRateConstE -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack.
SUAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack.
SUAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack.
SUAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack.
SUAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack.
RFAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack.
Character Attack Success Rate PvP Settings
DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard.
DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard.
DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard.
DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard.
DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack.
DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack.
DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack.
DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack.
FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf.
FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf.
FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf.
FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf.
MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator.
DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord.
DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord.
DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord.
DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord.
SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner.
SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner.
SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner.
SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner.
RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack.
Character Speed Settings
DWPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Wizard attack speed.
DWMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Wizard attack speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWMagicSpeedConstA) #
DKPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Knight attack speed.
DKMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Knight attack speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKMagicSpeedConstA) #
FEPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Fairy Elf attack speed.
FEMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Fairy Elf attack speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEMagicSpeedConstA) #
MGPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Magic Gladiator attack speed.
MGMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Magic Gladiator attack speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGMagicSpeedConstA) #
DLPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant formula calculating the attack speed of the Dark Lord.
DLMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant formula calculating the attack speed of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLMagicSpeedConstA) #
SUPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Summoner attack speed.
SUMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Summoner attack speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUMagicSpeedConstA) #
RFPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of Rage Fighter Attack Speed.
RFMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of Rage Fighter Attack Speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFMagicSpeedConstA) #
Character Defense Success Rate Settings
DWDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
DKDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
FEDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
MGDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
DLDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
SUDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Summoner.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
RFDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
Character Defense Success Rate PvP Settings
DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Wizard.
DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Wizard.
DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Wizard.
DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Knight.
DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Knight.
DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Knight.
FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense Fairy Elf.
FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense Fairy Elf.
FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense Fairy Elf.
MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Magic Gladiator.
MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Magic Gladiator.
MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Magic Gladiator.
DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Lord.
DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Lord.
DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Lord.
SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Summoner's defense.
SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Summoner's defense.
SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Summoner's defense.
RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Rage Fighter.
RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Rage Fighter.
RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Rage Fighter.
Character Defense Settings
DWDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWDefenseConstA) #
DKDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKDefenseConstA) #
FEDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEDefenseConstA) #
MGDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula the defense of Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGDefenseConstA) #
DLDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLDefenseConstA) #
SUDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense Summoner.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUDefenseConstA) #
RFDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFDefenseConstA) #
Character Elemental Damage Rate Settings
DuelElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in duel.
GensElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP Gens.
ChaosCastleElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP Chaos Castle.
IllusionTempleElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP Illusion Temple.
CastleSiegeElementalDamageRate1 -> elemental damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between different guilds players.
CastleSiegeElementalDamageRate2 -> elemental damage Percentage
applied to the Castle Siege between players from the same guild.
GeneralElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP.
GeneralElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvE.
Character Class Elemental Damage Rate Settings
DWElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvP.
DKElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight in PvP.
FEElementalDamageRatePvP -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf in PvP.
MGElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator PvP.
DLElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvP.
SUElementalDamageRatePvP -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner in PvP.
RFElementalDamageRatePvP -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter in PvP.
DWElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvE.
DKElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Knight in PvE.
FEElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf in PvE.
MGElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator in PvE.
DLElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvE.
SUElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner in PvE.
RFElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter in PvE.
Character Class X Class Elemental Damage Rate Settings
DWElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against DWs.
DWElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against DKs.
DWElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against AGs.
DWElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against MGs.
DWElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against DLs.
DWElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against SUs.
DWElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against RFs.
DKElementalDamageRateToDW -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against DWs.
DKElementalDamageRateToDK -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against DKs.
DKElementalDamageRateToFE -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against AGs.
DKElementalDamageRateToMG -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against MGs.
DKElementalDamageRateToDL -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against DLs.
DKElementalDamageRateToSU -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against SUs.
DKElementalDamageRateToRF -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against RFs.
FEElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against DWs.
FEElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against DKs.
FEElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against AGs.
FEElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against MGs.
FEElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against DLs.
FEElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against SUs.
FEElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against RFs.
MGElementalDamageRateToDW -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DWs.
MGElementalDamageRateToDK -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DKs.
MGElementalDamageRateToFE -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against AGs.
MGElementalDamageRateToMG -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against MGs.
MGElementalDamageRateToDL -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DLs.
MGElementalDamageRateToSU -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against SUs.
MGElementalDamageRateToRF -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against RFs.
DLElementalDamageRateToDW -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against DWs.
DLElementalDamageRateToDK -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against DKs.
DLElementalDamageRateToFE -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against AGs.
DLElementalDamageRateToMG -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against MGs.
DLElementalDamageRateToDL -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against DLs.
DLElementalDamageRateToSU -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against SUs.
DLElementalDamageRateToRF -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against RFs.
SUElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against DWs.
SUElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against DKs.
SUElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against AGs.
SUElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against MGs.
SUElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against DLs.
SUElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against SUs.
SUElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against RFs.
RFElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against DWs.
RFElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against DKs.
RFElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against AGs.
RFElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against MGs.
RFElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against DLs.
RFElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against SUs.
RFElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against RFs.
Character Elemental Defense Settings
DWElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWElementalDefenseConstA) #
DKElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKElementalDefenseConstA) #
FEElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDefenseConstA) #
MGElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGElementalDefenseConstA) #
DLElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLElementalDefenseConstA) #
SUElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of Summoner.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUElementalDefenseConstA) #
RFElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFElementalDefenseConstA) #
Character Elemental Damage Settings
DWElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Wizard.
DWElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DWElementalDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DWElementalDamageMaxConstA) #
DKElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Knight.
DKElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DKElementalDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DKElementalDamageMaxConstA) #
FEElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Fairy Elf.
FEElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Fairy Elf.
FEElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Fairy Elf.
FEElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / FEElementalDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / FEElementalDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDamageMaxConstB)) #
MGElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / MGElementalDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / MGElementalDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / MGElementalDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / MGElementalDamageMaxConstB)) #
DLElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Lord.
DLElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Lord.
DLElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Lord.
DLElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / DLElementalDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / DLElementalDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / DLElementalDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / DLElementalDamageMaxConstB)) #
SUElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Summoner.
SUElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Summoner.
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / SUElementalDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / SUElementalDamageMaxConstA) #
RFElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Rage Fighter.
RFElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Rage Fighter.
RFElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Rage Fighter.
RFElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / RFElementalDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerVitality / RFElementalDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / RFElementalDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerVitality / RFElementalDamageMaxConstB)) #
Character Elemental Attack Success Rate Settings
DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard.
DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard.
DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard.
DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard.
DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight.
DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight.
DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight.
DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight.
FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf.
FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf.
FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf.
FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf.
MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator.
DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord.
DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord.
DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord.
DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord.
SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner.
SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner.
SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner.
SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner.
RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter.
RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter.
RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter.
RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter.
Character Elemental Defense Success Rate Settings
DWElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
DKElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
FEElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
MGElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
DLElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
SUElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of Summoner.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
RFElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
; Two Weapons Damage Rate
DWTwoWeaponsDamageRate -> Two Weapon damage rate DW.
DKTwoWeaponsDamageRate -> Two Weapon damage rate DK.
FETwoWeaponsDamageRate -> Two Weapon damage rate FE.
MGTwoWeaponsDamageRate -> Two Weapon damage rate MG.
DLTwoWeaponsDamageRate -> Two Weapon damage rate DL.
SUTwoWeaponsDamageRate -> Two Weapon damage rate SU.
RFTwoWeaponsDamageRate -> Two Weapon damage rate RF.
; Character Max Attack Speed Settings
DWMaxAttackPhysiSpeed -> Maximum character physi speed.
DKMaxAttackPhysiSpeed -> Maximum character physi speed.
FEMaxAttackPhysiSpeed -> Maximum character physi speed.
MGMaxAttackPhysiSpeed -> Maximum character physi speed.
DLMaxAttackPhysiSpeed -> Maximum character physi speed.
SUMaxAttackPhysiSpeed -> Maximum character physi speed.
RFMaxAttackPhysiSpeed -> Maximum character physi speed.
DWMaxAttackMagicSpeed -> Maximum character magic speed.
DKMaxAttackMagicSpeed -> Maximum character magic speed.
FEMaxAttackMagicSpeed -> Maximum character magic speed.
MGMaxAttackMagicSpeed -> Maximum character magic speed.
DLMaxAttackMagicSpeed -> Maximum character magic speed.
SUMaxAttackMagicSpeed -> Maximum character magic speed.
RFMaxAttackMagicSpeed -> Maximum character magic speed.
GameServerInfo - Command.dat
Post Command Settings
CommandPostType -> "/post" message color
CommandPostItemType -> Post item message color
CommandPostShowServerName -> Show server name when post.
Add Point Command Settings
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL0 -> "/add auto" utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL1 -> "/add auto" utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL2 -> "/add auto" utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL3 -> "/add auto" utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
Change Command Settings
CommandChangeLimit_AL0 -> Max evolution (Free).
CommandChangeLimit_AL1 -> Max evolution (Vip1).
CommandChangeLimit_AL2 -> Max evolution (Vip2).
CommandChangeLimit_AL3 -> Max evolution (Vip3).
Ware Command Settings
CommandWareNumber_AL0 -> Max avaliable warehouses (Free).
CommandWareNumber_AL1 -> Max avaliable warehouses (Vip1).
CommandWareNumber_AL2 -> Max avaliable warehouses (Vip2).
CommandWareNumber_AL3 -> Max avaliable warehouses (Vip3).
Reset Command Settings
CommandResetType -> "/reset" utilization mode (0=Keep Points/1=Reset Points).
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL0 -> "/reset auto" utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL1 -> "/reset auto" utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL2 -> "/reset auto" utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL3 -> "/reset auto" utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandResetCheckItem_AL0 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetCheckItem_AL1 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetCheckItem_AL2 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetCheckItem_AL3 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetMove_AL0 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetMove_AL1 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetMove_AL2 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetMove_AL3 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetQuest_AL0 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetQuest_AL1 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetQuest_AL2 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetQuest_AL3 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetSkill_AL0 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetSkill_AL1 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetSkill_AL2 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetSkill_AL3 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetLevel_AL0 -> Required level to use "/reset" (Free).
CommandResetLevel_AL1 -> Required level to use "/reset" (Vip1).
CommandResetLevel_AL2 -> Required level to use "/reset" (Vip2).
CommandResetLevel_AL3 -> Required level to use "/reset" (Vip3).
CommandResetMoney_AL0 -> Required money to use "/reset" (Free).
CommandResetMoney_AL1 -> Required money to use "/reset" (Vip1).
CommandResetMoney_AL2 -> Required money to use "/reset" (Vip2).
CommandResetMoney_AL3 -> Required money to use "/reset" (Vip3).
CommandResetCount_AL0 -> Amount of resets gain utilizing "/reset" (Free).
CommandResetCount_AL1 -> Amount of resets gain utilizing "/reset" (Vip1).
CommandResetCount_AL2 -> Amount of resets gain utilizing "/reset" (Vip2).
CommandResetCount_AL3 -> Amount of resets gain utilizing "/reset" (Vip3).
CommandResetLimit_AL0 -> Maximum resets (Free).
CommandResetLimit_AL1 -> Maximum resets (Vip1).
CommandResetLimit_AL2 -> Maximum resets (Vip2).
CommandResetLimit_AL3 -> Maximum resets (Vip3).
CommandResetLimitDay_AL0 -> Maximum resets per day (Free).
CommandResetLimitDay_AL1 -> Maximum resets per day (Vip1).
CommandResetLimitDay_AL2 -> Maximum resets per day (Vip2).
CommandResetLimitDay_AL3 -> Maximum resets per day (Vip3).
CommandResetLimitWek_AL0 -> Maximum resets per week (Free).
CommandResetLimitWek_AL1 -> Maximum resets per week (Vip1).
CommandResetLimitWek_AL2 -> Maximum resets per week (Vip2).
CommandResetLimitWek_AL3 -> Maximum resets per week (Vip3).
CommandResetLimitMon_AL0 -> Maximum resets per month (Free).
CommandResetLimitMon_AL1 -> Maximum resets per month (Vip1).
CommandResetLimitMon_AL2 -> Maximum resets per month (Vip2).
CommandResetLimitMon_AL3 -> Maximum resets per month (Vip3).
CommandResetStartLevel_AL0 -> Character level after utilizing "/reset" (Free).
CommandResetStartLevel_AL1 -> Character level after utilizing "/reset" (Vip1).
CommandResetStartLevel_AL2 -> Character level after utilizing "/reset" (Vip2).
CommandResetStartLevel_AL3 -> Character level after utilizing "/reset" (Vip3).
CommandResetPoint_AL0 -> Amount of points gain (Free).
CommandResetPoint_AL1 -> Amount of points gain (Vip1).
CommandResetPoint_AL2 -> Amount of points gain (Vip2).
CommandResetPoint_AL3 -> Amount of points gain (Vip3).
CommandResetPointRateDW -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Wizard).
CommandResetPointRateDK -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Knight).
CommandResetPointRateFE -> Percentage of points gain (Fairy Elf).
CommandResetPointRateMG -> Percentage of points gain (Magic Gladiator).
CommandResetPointRateDL -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Lord).
CommandResetPointRateSU -> Percentage of points gain (Summoner).
CommandResetPointRateRF -> Percentage of points gain (Rage Fighter).
CommandResetKeepDLCommandPoint_AL0 -> Keep Dark lord command poins(Free).
CommandResetKeepDLCommandPoint_AL1 -> Keep Dark lord command poins(Vip1).
CommandResetKeepDLCommandPoint_AL2 -> Keep Dark lord command poins(Vip2).
CommandResetKeepDLCommandPoint_AL3 -> Keep Dark lord command poins(Vip3).
CommandResetRewardCoin1Value_AL0 -> Reset Reward coin 1 (Free).
CommandResetRewardCoin1Value_AL1 -> Reset Reward coin 1 (Vip1).
CommandResetRewardCoin1Value_AL2 -> Reset Reward coin 1 (Vip2).
CommandResetRewardCoin1Value_AL3 -> Reset Reward coin 1 (Vip3).
CommandResetRewardCoin2Value_AL0 -> Reset Reward coin 2 (Free).
CommandResetRewardCoin2Value_AL1 -> Reset Reward coin 2 (Vip1).
CommandResetRewardCoin2Value_AL2 -> Reset Reward coin 2 (Vip2).
CommandResetRewardCoin2Value_AL3 -> Reset Reward coin 2 (Vip3).
CommandResetRewardCoin3Value_AL0 -> Reset Reward coin 3 (Free).
CommandResetRewardCoin3Value_AL1 -> Reset Reward coin 3 (Vip1).
CommandResetRewardCoin3Value_AL2 -> Reset Reward coin 3 (Vip2).
CommandResetRewardCoin3Value_AL3 -> Reset Reward coin 3 (Vip3).
Master Reset Command Settings
CommandMasterResetType -> "/mreset" utilization mode (0=Keep Points/1=Reset Points).
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL0 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL1 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL2 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL3 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetMove_AL0 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetMove_AL1 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetMove_AL2 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetMove_AL3 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL0 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL1 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL2 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL3 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL0 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL1 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL2 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL3 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL0 -> Required level to use "/mreset" (Free).
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL1 -> Required level to use "/mreset" (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL2 -> Required level to use "/mreset" (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL3 -> Required level to use "/mreset" (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetReset_AL0 -> Required reset to use "/mreset" (Free).
CommandMasterResetReset_AL1 -> Required reset to use "/mreset" (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetReset_AL2 -> Required reset to use "/mreset" (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetReset_AL3 -> Required reset to use "/mreset" (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL0 -> Required money to use "/mreset" (Free).
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL1 -> Required money to use "/mreset" (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL2 -> Required money to use "/mreset" (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL3 -> Required money to use "/mreset" (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetCount_AL0 -> Amount of master resets gain utilizing "/mreset" (Free).
CommandMasterResetCount_AL1 -> Amount of master resets gain utilizing "/mreset" (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetCount_AL2 -> Amount of master resets gain utilizing "/mreset" (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetCount_AL3 -> Amount of master resets gain utilizing "/mreset" (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL0 -> Maximum master resets (Free).
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL1 -> Maximum master resets (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL2 -> Maximum master resets (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL3 -> Maximum master resets (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL0 -> Maximum master resets per day (Free).
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL1 -> Maximum master resets per day (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL2 -> Maximum master resets per day (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL3 -> Maximum master resets per day (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL0 -> Maximum master resets per week (Free).
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL1 -> Maximum master resets per week (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL2 -> Maximum master resets per week (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL3 -> Maximum master resets per week (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL0 -> Maximum master resets per month (Free).
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL1 -> Maximum master resets per month (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL2 -> Maximum master resets per month (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL3 -> Maximum master resets per month (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL0 -> Character level after utilizing "/mreset" (Free).
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL1 -> Character level after utilizing "/mreset" (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL2 -> Character level after utilizing "/mreset" (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL3 -> Character level after utilizing "/mreset" (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL0 -> Character reset after utilizing "/mreset" (Free).
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL1 -> Character reset after utilizing "/mreset" (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL2 -> Character reset after utilizing "/mreset" (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL3 -> Character reset after utilizing "/mreset" (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL0 -> Amount of points gain (Free).
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL1 -> Amount of points gain (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL2 -> Amount of points gain (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL3 -> Amount of points gain (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetPointRateDW -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Wizard).
CommandMasterResetPointRateDK -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Knight).
CommandMasterResetPointRateFE -> Percentage of points gain (Fairy Elf).
CommandMasterResetPointRateMG -> Percentage of points gain (Magic Gladiator).
CommandMasterResetPointRateDL -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Lord).
CommandMasterResetPointRateSU -> Percentage of points gain (Summoner).
CommandMasterResetPointRateRF -> Percentage of points gain (Rage Fighter).
CommandMasterResetRemoveReset_AL0 -> Remove reset quantity (Free)
CommandMasterResetRemoveReset_AL1 -> Remove reset quantity (Vip1)
CommandMasterResetRemoveReset_AL2 -> Remove reset quantity (Vip2)
CommandMasterResetRemoveReset_AL3 -> Remove reset quantity (Vip3)
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin1Value_AL0 -> MasterReset Reward coin 1 (Free).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin1Value_AL1 -> MasterReset Reward coin 1 (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin1Value_AL2 -> MasterReset Reward coin 1 (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin1Value_AL3 -> MasterReset Reward coin 1 (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin2Value_AL0 -> MasterReset Reward coin 2 (Free).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin2Value_AL1 -> MasterReset Reward coin 2 (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin2Value_AL2 -> MasterReset Reward coin 2 (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin2Value_AL3 -> MasterReset Reward coin 2 (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin3Value_AL0 -> MasterReset Reward coin 3 (Free).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin3Value_AL1 -> MasterReset Reward coin 3 (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin3Value_AL2 -> MasterReset Reward coin 3 (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetRewardCoin3Value_AL3 -> MasterReset Reward coin 3 (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetRequiredStr -> Required Strength status to use.
CommandMasterResetRequiredAgi -> Required Agility status to use.
CommandMasterResetRequiredVit -> Required Vitality status to use.
CommandMasterResetRequiredEne -> Required Energy status to use.
CommandMasterResetRequiredCom -> Required Leadership status to use.
Marry Command Settings
CommandMarryLevel -> Required level to use "/marry"
CommandMarryCost -> Required money to use "/marry"
CommandMarryNoticeDelay -> Delay to use "/marry" again (seconds)
CommandMarryMinTime -> Min time do divorce(seconds)
CommandMarryOnlyGM -> Only GM can use "/marry"
CommandMarryPkMove -> Disable PK move (0: Can't move, 1: Can move)
Command Open WareHouse
CommandOpenWareOnlySafeZone -> Enable command "/openware" in safezone only
Command Change Class
CommandChangeClassToDW -> Enable command "/changeclass" to Dark Wizard
CommandChangeClassToDK -> Enable command "/changeclass" to Dark Knight
CommandChangeClassToELF -> Enable command "/changeclass" to Dark Elf
CommandChangeClassToMG -> Enable command "/changeclass" to Dark Magic Gladiator
CommandChangeClassToDL -> Enable command "/changeclass" to Dark Dark Lord
CommandChangeClassToSU -> Enable command "/changeclass" to Dark Summoner
CommandChangeClassToRF -> Enable command "/changeclass" to Dark Rage Fighter
Reward Command Settings (Proedure WZ_SetReward)
CommandRewardMaxType -> Max Reward types
CommandRewardMaxValue -> Max Reward value
CommandRewardType1Text -> Reward Text for type 1
CommandRewardType2Text -> Reward Text for type 2
CommandRewardType3Text -> Reward Text for type 3
CommandRewardType4Text -> Reward Text for type 4
CommandRewardType5Text -> Reward Text for type 5
CommandRewardType6Text -> Reward Text for type 6
CommandRewardType7Text -> Reward Text for type 7
CommandRewardType8Text -> Reward Text for type 8
CommandRewardType9Text -> Reward Text for type 9
CommandRewardType10Text -> Reward Text for type 10
RewardAll Command Settings (Proedure WZ_SetRewardAll)
CommandRewardAllMaxType -> Max RewardAll types
CommandRewardAllMaxValue -> Max RewardAll value
CommandRewardAllType1Text -> RewardAll Text for type 1
CommandRewardAllType2Text -> RewardAll Text for type 2
CommandRewardAllType3Text -> RewardAll Text for type 3
CommandRewardAllType4Text -> RewardAll Text for type 4
CommandRewardAllType5Text -> RewardAll Text for type 5
CommandRewardAllType6Text -> RewardAll Text for type 6
CommandRewardAllType7Text -> RewardAll Text for type 7
CommandRewardAllType8Text -> RewardAll Text for type 8
CommandRewardAllType9Text -> RewardAll Text for type 9
CommandRewardAllType10Text -> RewardAll Text for type 10
Command Rename
CommandRenameDelay_AL0 -> Delay to use "/rename"(seconds)(Free)
CommandRenameDelay_AL1 -> Delay to use "/rename"(seconds)(Vip1)
CommandRenameDelay_AL2 -> Delay to use "/rename"(seconds)(Vip2)
CommandRenameDelay_AL3 -> Delay to use "/rename"(seconds)(Vip3)
CommandRenameNeedTicket -> Require to buy the ticket(CashShop) before the change name.
CommandRenameShowMessage -> Show global message after change the name(0=Off/1=On).
Command Gift
CommandGiftLimit -> Max limit to use "/gift"
Command Help
CommandHelpMonsterIndex -> Monster ID (Monster.txt base)
CommandHelpMonsterAmount -> Monsters Quantity
Command Bloc
CommandBlocAccShowMessage -> Show a message when bloc a Account
CommandBlocCharShowMessage -> Show a message when bloc a Character
Command Jewel Pack Settings
Max Size 16
Default Value 3
CommandJewelPackMaxSize -> Increase max jewel pack size.
GameServerInfo - Common.dat
Customer Settings
CustomerName -> Username used on registration.
CustomerHardwareId -> Computer's HardwareId.
Server Settings
ServerName -> GameServer room name.
ServerCode -> GameServer room code.
ServerLock -> Minimum premium value to acess the server.
ServerTimeZone -> Server time zone.
ServerGlobalLanguage -> Default gamserver global language (Logs only).
ServerPort -> GameServer initialization port.
ServerVersion -> Client version.
ServerSerial -> Client serial.
ServerMaxUserNumber -> Maximum users on GameServer.
ServerMinLevel -> Min level to enter.
ServerMaxLevel -> Max level to enter.
ServerMinReset -> Min reset to enter.
ServerMaxReset -> Max reset to enter.
ServerMinMasterReset -> Min master reset to enter.
ServerMaxMasterReset -> Max master reset to enter.
ServerPkCanEnter -> Bloc pk enter(0=Can't/1=Can).
ServerLogUTF8 -> Allow gs log utf-8.
Connection Settings
DataServerAddress -> DataServer connection IP address.
DataServerPort -> DataServer connection port.
JoinServerAddress -> JoinServer connection IP address.
JoinServerPort -> JoinServer connection port.
ConnectServerAddress -> ConnectServer connection IP address.
ConnectServerPort -> ConnectServer connection port.
Log Settings
WriteChatLog -> User chat log (0=Off/1=On).
WriteCommandLog -> Command log (0=Off/1=On).
WriteTradeLog -> Trade log (0=Off/1=On).
WriteConnectLog -> Connection system log (0=Off/1=On).
WriteHackLog -> Hack info log (0=Off/1=On).
WriteCashShopLog -> CashShop log (0=Off/1=On).
WriteChaosMixLog -> ChaosMix log (0=Off/1=On).
WriteSetCoinLog -> Wz_SetCoin log (0=Off/1=On).
WriteGremoryLog -> Gremory Case log (0=Off/1=On).
WriteEventLog -> Event log (0=Off/1=On).
Common Settings
MaxItemOption -> Maximum uses of Jewel of Life on itens.
MaxIpConnection -> Max number of connections with the same IP.
PersonalCodeCheck -> Personal Code check (0=Off/1=On).
SetItemAcceptHarmonySwitch -> Set item supports Jewel of Harmony (0=Off/1=On).
CharacterCloseCount -> Time to close in seconds when click in Select Character or SelectServer (Minimum value 1).
Monster Settings
MonsterLifeRate -> Monster base life percentage.
MonsterHitDamageReset -> Reset the player hit damage when he dies.
Health Bar
UserHealthBarSwitch -> Player's life bar(0=Off/1=On).
MonsterHealthBarSwitch -> Monster's life bar (0=Off/1=On).
PK Settings
NonPK -> Room PvP State (0=On/1=Off).
PKDownTime1 -> Time required to decrease hero state (Seconds).
PKDownTime2 -> Time required to decrease pk state (Seconds).
PKDisableShop -> Disable common shop for pk.
PKDisableTrade -> Disable trade shop for pk.
PKLimit -> Maximum Player killer limit.
Trade Settings
TradeSwitch -> Trade system state (0=Off/1=On).
Personal Shop Settings
PersonalShopSwitch -> Personal Shop system state (0=Off/1=On).
PersonalShopMoneyCommisionRate -> Percentage of zen lost on each transaction.
PersonalShopJewelCommisionRate -> Percentage of jewels lost on each transaction.
PersonalShopOnlySafeZone -> Open a personal shop in the safe zone only(0=Off/1=On).
Duel Settings
DuelSwitch -> Duel system state (0=Off/1=On).
DuelArenaAnnounceSwitch -> Duel start announce (0=Off/1=On).
DuelArenaDisableRestoreHP -> Restore HP when duel restart(0=Off/1=On).
DuelArenaDisableRestoreSD -> Restore MP when duel restart(0=Off/1=On).
DuelMaxScore -> Max duel score (Default=10)
DuelBet -> Enable duel bet system (0=Off/1=On).
Guild Settings
GuildCreateSwitch -> Guild create state (0=Off/1=On).
GuildDeleteSwitch -> Guild delete state (0=Off/1=On).
GuildCreateMinLevel -> Minimum level required to create guild.
GuildInsertMaxUser1 -> Max guild member.
GuildInsertMaxUser2 -> Max guild member (Dark Lord GuildMaster).
GuildAllianceMinUser -> Min guild member required to create an alliance.
GuildAllianceMaxCount -> Max number of guild on an alliance.
GuildOwnerDestroyLimit -> CastleSiege owner guild delete state (0=Off/1=On).
GuildDisablePK -> Disable Guild PK (0=Allowed/1=Disabled).
GuildAllianceDisablePK -> Disable guild alliance PK (0=Allowed/1=Disabled).
Elf Buffer Settings
ElfBufferQuestEnable -> Elf Buff quest window (0=Off/1=On).
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL0 -> Max level to get the buff (Free).
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL1 -> Max level to get the buff (Vip1).
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL2 -> Max level to get the buff (Vip2).
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL3 -> Max level to get the buff (Vip3).
ElfBufferDamageConstA -> Damage increase formula constant.
ElfBufferDamageConstB -> Damage increase formula constant.
ElfBufferDefenseConstA -> Defense increase formula constant.
ElfBufferDefenseConstB -> Defense increase formula constant.
# FORMULA = (ElfBufferDamageConstA+(PlayerLevel/ElfBufferDamageConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (ElfBufferDefenseConstA+(PlayerLevel/ElfBufferDefenseConstB)) #
Experience Settings
AddExperienceRate_AL0 -> Base experience multiplier (Free).
AddExperienceRate_AL1 -> Base experience multiplier (Vip1).
AddExperienceRate_AL2 -> Base experience multiplier (Vip2).
AddExperienceRate_AL3 -> Base experience multiplier (Vip3).
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL0 -> Base master experience multiplier (Free).
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL1 -> Base master experience multiplier (Vip1).
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL2 -> Base master experience multiplier (Vip2).
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL3 -> Base master experience multiplier (Vip3).
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL0 -> Min monster level to give master experience (Free).
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL1 -> Min monster level to give master experience (Vip1).
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL2 -> Min monster level to give master experience (Vip2).
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL3 -> Min monster level to give master experience (Vip3).
AddEventExperienceRate_AL0 -> Base event experience multiplier (Free).
AddEventExperienceRate_AL1 -> Base event experience multiplier (Vip1).
AddEventExperienceRate_AL2 -> Base event experience multiplier (Vip2).
AddEventExperienceRate_AL3 -> Base event experience multiplier (Vip3).
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL0 -> Base quest experience multiplier (Free).
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL1 -> Base quest experience multiplier (Vip1).
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL2 -> Base quest experience multiplier (Vip2).
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL3 -> Base quest experience multiplier (Vip3).
OffAttackExperienceRate_AL0 -> Base offattack experience multiplier (Free).
OffAttackExperienceRate_AL1 -> Base offattack experience multiplier (Vip1).
OffAttackExperienceRate_AL2 -> Base offattack experience multiplier (Vip2).
OffAttackExperienceRate_AL3 -> Base offattack experience multiplier (Vip3).
AutoResetExperienceRate_AL0 -> Base autoreset experience multiplier (Free).
AutoResetExperienceRate_AL1 -> Base autoreset experience multiplier (Vip1).
AutoResetExperienceRate_AL2 -> Base autoreset experience multiplier (Vip2).
AutoResetExperienceRate_AL3 -> Base autoreset experience multiplier (Vip3).
Item Drop Settings
ItemDropTime -> Time to items dissapear on the ground.
ItemDropRate_AL0 -> Chance to drop items from monsters (Free).
ItemDropRate_AL1 -> Chance to drop items from monsters (Vip1).
ItemDropRate_AL2 -> Chance to drop items from monsters (Vip2).
ItemDropRate_AL3 -> Chance to drop items from monsters (Vip3).
Money Drop Settings
MoneyDropTime -> Time to zen dissapear on the ground.
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL0 -> Zen percentage that will drop from monsters (Free).
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL1 -> Zen percentage that will drop from monsters (Vip1).
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL2 -> Zen percentage that will drop from monsters (Vip2).
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL3 -> Zen percentage that will drop from monsters (Vip3).
Advanced Money Drop Settings
MoneyValue_AL0 -> Multiplier value (Free).
MoneyValue_AL1 -> Multiplier value (Vip1).
MoneyValue_AL2 -> Multiplier value (Vip2).
MoneyValue_AL3 -> Multiplier value (Vip3).
# FORMULA = (MoneyValue*MonterLevel) + % ItemBonus #
Item Durability Settings
WeaponDurabilityRate -> Weapon durability decrease percentage.
ArmorDurabilityRate -> Armor durability decrease percentage.
WingDurabilityRate -> Wing durability decrease percentage.
GuardianDurabilityRate -> Guardian durability decrease percentage.
PendantDurabilityRate -> Pendant durability decrease percentage.
RingDurabilityRate -> Ring durability decrease percentage.
PetDurabilityRate -> Dark Lord pet durability decrease percentage.
MuunDurabilityRate -> Muun durability decrease percentage.
Trade Item Block Settings
TradeItemBlock -> Trade item block system state (0=Off/1=On).
TradeItemBlockExc -> Block excellent items by count(0-6) on trade (0=No/1=Yes).
TradeItemBlockSet -> Block set items on trade (0=No/1=Yes).
TradeItemBlockHarmony -> Block harmony items on trade (0=No/1=Yes).
TradeItemBlockSell -> Trade blocked items cannot be sold (0=No/1=Yes).
TradeItemBlockLucky -> Block lucky items on trade (0=No/1=Yes).
Level Up Settings
MaxLevelUp -> Max number of levels that can be get at once.
MaxLevelUpEvent -> Max number of levels that can be get at once with event experience.
MaxLevelUpQuest -> Max number of levels that can be get at once with quest experience.
Create Character Settings
CharacterCreateSwitch -> Character creation state (0=Off/1=On).
MGCreateType -> Magic Gladiator creation mode (0=Level/1=Card).
DLCreateType -> Dark Lord creation mode (0=Level/1=Card).
SUCreateType -> Summoner creation mode (0=Level/1=Card).
RFCreateType -> Rage Fighter creation mode (0=Level/1=Card).
MGCreateLevel_AL0 -> Min level required to create Magic Gladiator (Free).
MGCreateLevel_AL1 -> Min level required to create Magic Gladiator (Vip1).
MGCreateLevel_AL2 -> Min level required to create Magic Gladiator (Vip2).
MGCreateLevel_AL3 -> Min level required to create Magic Gladiator (Vip3).
MGCreateReset_AL0 -> Min Reset required to create Magic Gladiator (Free).
MGCreateReset_AL1 -> Min Reset required to create Magic Gladiator (Vip1).
MGCreateReset_AL2 -> Min Reset required to create Magic Gladiator (Vip2).
MGCreateReset_AL3 -> Min Reset required to create Magic Gladiator (Vip3).
MGCreateMasterReset_AL0 -> Min MasterReset required to create Magic Gladiator (Free).
MGCreateMasterReset_AL1 -> Min MasterReset required to create Magic Gladiator (Vip1).
MGCreateMasterReset_AL2 -> Min MasterReset required to create Magic Gladiator (Vip2).
MGCreateMasterReset_AL3 -> Min MasterReset required to create Magic Gladiator (Vip3).
DLCreateLevel_AL0 -> Min level required to create Dark Lord (Free).
DLCreateLevel_AL1 -> Min level required to create Dark Lord (Vip1).
DLCreateLevel_AL2 -> Min level required to create Dark Lord (Vip2).
DLCreateLevel_AL3 -> Min level required to create Dark Lord (Vip3).
DLCreateReset_AL0 -> Min Reset required to create Dark Lord (Free).
DLCreateReset_AL1 -> Min Reset required to create Dark Lord (Vip1).
DLCreateReset_AL2 -> Min Reset required to create Dark Lord (Vip2).
DLCreateReset_AL3 -> Min Reset required to create Dark Lord (Vip3).
DLCreateMasterReset_AL0 -> Min MasterReset required to create Dark Lord (Free).
DLCreateMasterReset_AL1 -> Min MasterReset required to create Dark Lord (Vip1).
DLCreateMasterReset_AL2 -> Min MasterReset required to create Dark Lord (Vip2).
DLCreateMasterReset_AL3 -> Min MasterReset required to create Dark Lord (Vip3).
SUCreateLevel_AL0 -> Min level required to create Summoner (Free).
SUCreateLevel_AL1 -> Min level required to create Summoner (Vip1).
SUCreateLevel_AL2 -> Min level required to create Summoner (Vip2).
SUCreateLevel_AL3 -> Min level required to create Summoner (Vip3).
SUCreateReset_AL0 -> Min Reset required to create Summoner (Free).
SUCreateReset_AL1 -> Min Reset required to create Summoner (Vip1).
SUCreateReset_AL2 -> Min Reset required to create Summoner (Vip2).
SUCreateReset_AL3 -> Min Reset required to create Summoner (Vip3).
SUCreateMasterReset_AL0 -> Min MasterReset required to create Summoner (Free).
SUCreateMasterReset_AL1 -> Min MasterReset required to create Summoner (Vip1).
SUCreateMasterReset_AL2 -> Min MasterReset required to create Summoner (Vip2).
SUCreateMasterReset_AL3 -> Min MasterReset required to create Summoner (Vip3).
RFCreateLevel_AL0 -> Min level required to create Rage Fighter (Free).
RFCreateLevel_AL1 -> Min level required to create Rage Fighter (Vip1).
RFCreateLevel_AL2 -> Min level required to create Rage Fighter (Vip2).
RFCreateLevel_AL3 -> Min level required to create Rage Fighter (Vip3).
RFCreateReset_AL0 -> Min Reset required to create Rage Fighter (Free).
RFCreateReset_AL1 -> Min Reset required to create Rage Fighter (Vip1).
RFCreateReset_AL2 -> Min Reset required to create Rage Fighter (Vip2).
RFCreateReset_AL3 -> Min Reset required to create Rage Fighter (Vip3).
RFCreateMasterReset_AL0 -> Min MasterReset required to create Rage Fighter (Free).
RFCreateMasterReset_AL1 -> Min MasterReset required to create Rage Fighter (Vip1).
RFCreateMasterReset_AL2 -> Min MasterReset required to create Rage Fighter (Vip2).
RFCreateMasterReset_AL3 -> Min MasterReset required to create Rage Fighter (Vip3).
Shield Gauge Settings
ShieldGaugeRate -> Percentage of damage dealt to Shield Gauge on PvP.
ShieldGaugeConstA -> Shield Gauge amount formula constant.
ShieldGaugeConstB -> Shield Gauge amount formula constant.
ShieldGaugeAttackRate -> Shield Gauge attack success rate formula constant.
ShieldGaugeAttackComboMiss -> Combo miss if any of its spells also miss (0=No/1=Yes).
Master Skill Tree Settings
MasterSkillTree -> Master Skill Tree system state (0=Off/1=On).
MasterSkillTreePoint -> Master points get each level.
MasterSkillTreeMaxLevel -> Max master level.
MasterSkillTreeMaxPoint -> Max points that you can recieve/use.
Gens System Settings
GensSystemSwitch -> Gens system state (0=Off/1=On).
GensSystemGuildLock -> Allow players from different gens to guild (0=Yes/1=No).
GensSystemPartyLock -> Allow players from different gens to party (0=Yes/1=No).
GensSystemInsertMinLevel -> Min level to join gens.
GensSystemContributionFloodTime -> Time duration a killed gens member wont give points to the same killer (Seconds).
GensSystemVictimContributionDecrease -> Average points lost on dying.
GensSystemKillerContributionIncrease -> Average points won on killing.
GensSystemVictimMinContributionDecrease -> Min points lost on dying.
GensSystemVictimMaxContributionDecrease -> Max points lost on dying.
GensSystemKillerMinContributionIncrease -> Min points won on killing.
GensSystemKillerMaxContributionIncrease -> Max points won on killing.
GensSystemStartRewardDay -> Reward period start day.
GensSystemFinalRewardDay -> Reward period final day.
GensSystemLeaveBlock -> Block player leave from gens.
Helper Settings
HelperSwitch -> Helper system state (0=Off/1=On).
HelperActiveLevel -> Min level to use helper.
HelperActiveDelay -> Time between helper payment (Seconds).
HelperActiveMoney1 -> Money taken each payment on stage 1.
HelperActiveMoney2 -> Money taken each payment on stage 2.
HelperActiveMoney3 -> Money taken each payment on stage 3.
HelperActiveMoney4 -> Money taken each payment on stage 4.
HelperActiveMoney5 -> Money taken each payment on stage 5.
Cash Shop Settings
CashShopSwitch -> CashShop system state (0=Off/1=On).
CashShopScriptVersion1 -> CashShop script version.
CashShopScriptVersion2 -> CashShop script version.
CashShopScriptVersion3 -> CashShop script version.
CashShopBannerVersion1 -> CashShop banner version.
CashShopBannerVersion2 -> CashShop banner version.
CashShopBannerVersion3 -> CashShop banner version.
CashShopGoblinPointDelay -> Time online required to get Goblin Points (Minutes).
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL0 -> Amount of Goblin Points get (Free).
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL1 -> Amount of Goblin Points get (Vip1).
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL2 -> Amount of Goblin Points get (Vip2).
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL3 -> Amount of Goblin Points get (Vip3).
Event Inventory Settings
EventInventorySwitch -> EventInventory system state (0=Off/1=On).
EventInventoryExpireYear -> EventInventory expiration year.
EventInventoryExpireMonth -> EventInventory expiration month.
EventInventoryExpireDay -> EventInventory expiration day.
Mu Rummy Settings
MuRummySwitch -> MuRummy system state (0=Off/1=On).
MuRummyRewardScore1 -> Points required to win reward 1.
MuRummyRewardScore2 -> Points required to win reward 2.
MuRummyRewardMoneyAmount -> Zen reward amount.
Party Settings
PartyReconnectTime -> Max reconnection time.
PartyGeneralExperience1 -> Percentage of experience get on 1 user(s) party without different class.
PartyGeneralExperience2 -> Percentage of experience get on 2 user(s) party without different class.
PartyGeneralExperience3 -> Percentage of experience get on 3 user(s) party without different class.
PartyGeneralExperience4 -> Percentage of experience get on 4 user(s) party without different class.
PartyGeneralExperience5 -> Percentage of experience get on 5 user(s) party without different class.
PartySpecialExperience1 -> Percentage of experience get on 1 user(s) party with different class.
PartySpecialExperience2 -> Percentage of experience get on 2 user(s) party with different class.
PartySpecialExperience3 -> Percentage of experience get on 3 user(s) party with different class.
PartySpecialExperience4 -> Percentage of experience get on 4 user(s) party with different class.
PartySpecialExperience5 -> Percentage of experience get on 5 user(s) party with different class.
PartyGeneralMasterExperience1 -> Percentage of master experience get on 1 user(s) party without different class.
PartyGeneralMasterExperience2 -> Percentage of master experience get on 2 user(s) party without different class.
PartyGeneralMasterExperience3 -> Percentage of master experience get on 3 user(s) party without different class.
PartyGeneralMasterExperience4 -> Percentage of master experience get on 4 user(s) party without different class.
PartyGeneralMasterExperience5 -> Percentage of master experience get on 5 user(s) party without different class.
PartySpecialMasterExperience1 -> Percentage of master experience get on 1 user(s) party with different class.
PartySpecialMasterExperience2 -> Percentage of master experience get on 2 user(s) party with different class.
PartySpecialMasterExperience3 -> Percentage of master experience get on 3 user(s) party with different class.
PartySpecialMasterExperience4 -> Percentage of master experience get on 4 user(s) party with different class.
PartySpecialMasterExperience5 -> Percentage of master experience get on 5 user(s) party with different class.
PartyDisablePK -> Disable party PvP.
MinMonsterLevelPartyFormula -> The party exp formula changes when the monster is level 65+. You can keep the formula changing this value (Min Value = 65).
PartyMaxLevelDifference -> Max level difference to create a party(Level+MasterLevel).
PartyTopHitDamageEnable -> On kill a boss count the total party damage(0=Off/1=On).
Potion Settings
ApplePotionRate -> Percentage of life recovered by Apple.
SmallLifePotionRate -> Percentage of life recovered by Small Life Potion.
MidleLifePotionRate -> Percentage of life recovered by Midle Life Potion.
LargeLifePotionRate -> Percentage of life recovered by Large Life Potion.
SmallManaPotionRate -> Percentage of mana recovered by Small Mana Potion.
MidleManaPotionRate -> Percentage of mana recovered by Midle Mana Potion.
LargeManaPotionRate -> Percentage of mana recovered by Large Mana Potion.
SmallShieldPotionRate -> Percentage of shield recovered by Small Shield Potion.
MidleShieldPotionRate -> Percentage of shield recovered by Midle Shield Potion.
LargeShieldPotionRate ->Percentage of shield recovered by Large Shield Potion.
SmallCompoundPotionRate1 -> Percentage of life recovered by Small Compound Potion.
SmallCompoundPotionRate2 -> Percentage of shield recovered by Small Compound Potion.
MidleCompoundPotionRate1 -> Percentage of life recovered by Midle Compound Potion.
MidleCompoundPotionRate2 -> Percentage of shield recovered by Midle Compound Potion.
LargeCompoundPotionRate1 -> Percentage of life recovered by Large Compound Potion.
LargeCompoundPotionRate2 -> Percentage of shield recovered by Large Compound Potion.
EliteLifePotionRate -> Percentage of life recovered by Elite Life Potion.
EliteManaPotionRate -> Percentage of mana recovered by Elite Mana Potion.
EliteShieldPotionRate -> Percentage of shield recovered by Elite Shield Potion.
Transformation Ring Settings
TransformationRing1 -> Transformation monster number.
TransformationRing2 -> Transformation monster number.
TransformationRing3 -> Transformation monster number.
TransformationRing4 -> Transformation monster number.
TransformationRing5 -> Transformation monster number.
TransformationRing6 -> Transformation monster number.
Jewel Settings
SoulSuccessRate_AL0 -> Jewel of Soul success rate (Free).
SoulSuccessRate_AL1 -> Jewel of Soul success rate (Vip1).
SoulSuccessRate_AL2 -> Jewel of Soul success rate (Vip2).
SoulSuccessRate_AL3 -> Jewel of Soul success rate (Vip3).
LifeSuccessRate_AL0 -> Jewel of Life success rate (Free).
LifeSuccessRate_AL1 -> Jewel of Life success rate (Vip1).
LifeSuccessRate_AL2 -> Jewel of Life success rate (Vip2).
LifeSuccessRate_AL3 -> Jewel of Life success rate (Vip3).
HarmonySuccessRate_AL0 -> Jewel of Harmony success rate (Free).
HarmonySuccessRate_AL1 -> Jewel of Harmony success rate (Vip1).
HarmonySuccessRate_AL2 -> Jewel of Harmony success rate (Vip2).
HarmonySuccessRate_AL3 -> Jewel of Harmony success rate (Vip3).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL0 -> Smelt Stone success rate (Free).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL1 -> Smelt Stone success rate (Vip1).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL2 -> Smelt Stone success rate (Vip2).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL3 -> Smelt Stone success rate (Vip3).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL0 -> Smelt Stone success rate on excellent items (Free).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL1 -> Smelt Stone success rate on excellent items (Vip1).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL2 -> Smelt Stone success rate on excellent items (Vip2).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL3 -> Smelt Stone success rate on excellent items (Vip3).
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL0 -> Luck bonus success rate (Free).
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL1 -> Luck bonus success rate (Vip1).
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL2 -> Luck bonus success rate (Vip2).
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL3 -> Luck bonus success rate (Vip3).
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL0 -> Luck bonus success rate on Chaos Machine (Free).
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL1 -> Luck bonus success rate on Chaos Machine (Vip1).
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL2 -> Luck bonus success rate on Chaos Machine (Vip2).
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL3 -> Luck bonus success rate on Chaos Machine (Vip3).
Fruit Settings
FruitAddPointMin -> Min points increased by fruit.
FruitAddPointMax -> Max points increased by fruit.
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL0 -> Fruit increase point success rate (Free).
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL1 -> Fruit increase point success rate (Vip1).
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL2 -> Fruit increase point success rate (Vip2).
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL3 -> Fruit increase point success rate (Vip3).
FruitSubPointMin -> Min points decreased by fruit.
FruitSubPointMax -> Max points decreased by fruit.
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL0 -> Fruit decrease point success rate (Free).
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL1 -> Fruit decrease point success rate (Vip1).
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL2 -> Fruit decrease point success rate (Vip2).
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL3 -> Fruit decrease point success rate (Vip3).
HP Bonus System
HpBonus_AL0 -> Hp point to increase by master reset (Free).
HpBonus_AL1 -> Hp point to increase by master reset (Vip1).
HpBonus_AL2 -> Hp point to increase by master reset (Vip2).
HpBonus_AL3 -> Hp point to increase by master reset (Vip3).
HpBonus_MAX -> Max points increased.
# FORMULA = MaxHP=MaxHP+(HpBonus*MasterReset)
Death System
DieUserSwitch -> Show a message when Player kill a player(0=Off/1=On).
DieMonsterSwitch -> Show a message when Monster kill a player(0=Off/1=On).
Online User System
OnlineGmSwitch -> Show a global message when a gm join on the server(0=Off/1=On).
OnlineUserSwitch -> Show a global message when a player join on the server(0=Off/1=On).
Disable exp message
DisableExpMessage -> Disable exp reward menssage client side (0=Off/1=On).
Disable Skill Effects
DisableLightningEffect -> Disable lightning skill effect(0=Off/1=On).
DisableCycloneEffect -> Disable cyclone skill effect(0=Off/1=On).
DisableTwistEffect -> Disable twist slash skill effect(0=Off/1=On).
DisableLungEffect -> Disable lung skill effect(0=Off/1=On).
DisableFallingEffect -> Disable falling skill effect(0=Off/1=On).
DisableUpperCutEffect -> Disable upperCut skill effect(0=Off/1=On).
Disable Wings Class Mix
DisableWingMixDL -> Disable dark lord wing mix on chaos machine(0=Off/1=On).
DisableWingMixSU -> Disable summoner wing mix on chaos machine(0=Off/1=On).
DisableWingMixRF -> Disable rage fighter wing mix on chaos machine(0=Off/1=On).
Pk Can Enter in events
PkCanEnterBC -> PK can enter in bood castle(0=Off/1=On).
PkCanEnterCC -> PK can enter in chaos castle(0=Off/1=On).
PkCanEnterDS -> PK can enter in devil square castle(0=Off/1=On).
Pk Item Drop
PkItemDropSwitch -> Enable pk drop system(0=Off/1=On).
PkItemDropEnable_AL0 -> Free account acount drop item.
PkItemDropEnable_AL1 -> Vip1 account acount drop item.
PkItemDropEnable_AL2 -> Vip2 account acount drop item.
PkItemDropEnable_AL3 -> Vip3 account acount drop item.
PkItemDropMinLevel -> Item drop min level.
PkItemDropMaxLevel -> Item drop max level.
PkItemDropExecellent -> Enable excellent item drop(0=Off/1=On).
PkItemDropSocketItem -> Enable socket item drop(0=Off/1=On).
PkItemDropSetItem -> Enable set item drop(0=Off/1=On).
PkItemDropHarmony -> Enable harmony item drop(0=Off/1=On).
PkItemDropRate -> Item drop rate.
Disconnect Online Account
DisconnectOnlineAccount -> Auto disconnect a account when you try to enter in another pc.
Enable CS Skills for All Maps
EnableCsSkillsAllMaps -> Enable castle siege skills for all mapas.
; Enable Combo to all Class
EnableComboToAllSwitch -> Enable combo to all class system(0=Off/1=On).
ComboToAllType -> Default combo System=0, Combo with One Skill=1,Combo with Two Skill=2.
Reward Online Users
OnlineRewardOfflineSystems -> Enable for offline systems(0=Off/1=On).
OnlineRewardCoin1Delay -> Delay to add coin 1.
OnlineRewardCoin1Value_AL0 -> Coin 1 value(Free).
OnlineRewardCoin1Value_AL1 -> Coin 1 value(Vip1).
OnlineRewardCoin1Value_AL2 -> Coin 1 value(Vip2).
OnlineRewardCoin1Value_AL3 -> Coin 1 value(Vip3).
OnlineRewardCoin2Delay -> Delay to add coin 2.
OnlineRewardCoin2Value_AL0 -> Coin 2 value(Free).
OnlineRewardCoin2Value_AL1 -> Coin 2 value(Vip1).
OnlineRewardCoin2Value_AL2 -> Coin 2 value(Vip2).
OnlineRewardCoin2Value_AL3 -> Coin 2 value(Vip3).
OnlineRewardCoin3Delay -> Delay to add coin 3.
OnlineRewardCoin3Value_AL0 -> Coin 3 value(Free).
OnlineRewardCoin3Value_AL1 -> Coin 3 value(Vip1).
OnlineRewardCoin3Value_AL2 -> Coin 3 value(Vip2).
OnlineRewardCoin3Value_AL3 -> Coin 3 value(Vip3).
Enable New Damage Calc System
NewDamageCalcSystem -> Enable new damage calculation system.
Marlon Auto Move (Quest)
MarlonAutoMoveEnable -> Enable marlon auto move system.
MarlonAutoMoveTime -> Time (ms) to move.
; Select Character show Level + Master Level
SelectCharLevelMasterLevel -> Show Level+MasterLevel in switch character screen.
; Dragon Sky
GoldenDragonSkyEnable -> Show golden dragon in sky when the invasion starts
RedDragonSkyEnable -> Show red dragon in sky when the invasion starts
; Debug (Disable all after tests)
; For advanced analysis
ProcotolPacketInDebug -> Show protocol packets in logs.
ProcotolPacketOutDebug -> Show protocol packets out logs.
AttackSkillDebug -> Show attack skill debug in log.
SpeedHackSkillDebug -> Show speed hack skill debug in log.
ItemDropDebug -> Show item drop debug in log.
AttackDamageDebug -> Show attack damamge debug in log.
; Guild War Settings
GuildWarSwitch -> Enable guild war(0=Off/1=On).
GuildWarMinOnlineUsers -> Necessary online users to start a Guild War.
GuildWarMaxScore -> Guild War max score.
GuildWarMasterRewardCoin1 -> Reward coin 1 to winner Guild Master.
GuildWarMasterRewardCoin2 -> Reward coin 2 to winner Guild Master.
GuildWarMasterRewardCoin3 -> Reward coin 3 to winner Guild Master.
GuildWarPlayerRewardCoin1 -> Reward coin 1 to winner Guild Members.
GuildWarPlayerRewardCoin2 -> Reward coin 2 to winner Guild Members.
GuildWarPlayerRewardCoin3 -> Reward coin 3 to winner Guild Members.
GuildWarDelay -> Time delay to next Guild War(minutes).
; Infinity Arrow
; Type 1: Enable infinity arrow
; Type 2: Enable infinity arrow offline mode only
InfinityArrow_AL0 -> Enable auto Infinity Arrow(Free).
InfinityArrow_AL1 -> Enable auto Infinity Arrow(Vip1).
InfinityArrow_AL2 -> Enable auto Infinity Arrow(Vip2).
InfinityArrow_AL3 -> Enable auto Infinity Arrow(Vip3).
; Allow use Talisman Of Mobility after reset
TalismanOfMobilityResetEnabled_AL0 -> Enable use Talisman Of Mobility after reset(0=Off/1=On)(Free).
TalismanOfMobilityResetEnabled_AL1 -> Enable use Talisman Of Mobility after reset(0=Off/1=On)(Vip1).
TalismanOfMobilityResetEnabled_AL2 -> Enable use Talisman Of Mobility after reset(0=Off/1=On)(Vip2).
TalismanOfMobilityResetEnabled_AL3 -> Enable use Talisman Of Mobility after reset(0=Off/1=On)(Vip3).
; Coins limit
; Coin1 (WC)
; Coin2 (WP)
; Coin3 (GP)
MaxCoin1Value_AL0 -> Max Coin1 value(Free)
MaxCoin1Value_AL1 -> Max Coin1 value(Vip1)
MaxCoin1Value_AL2 -> Max Coin1 value(Vip2)
MaxCoin1Value_AL3 -> Max Coin1 value(Vip3)
MaxCoin2Value_AL0 -> Max Coin2 value(Free)
MaxCoin2Value_AL1 -> Max Coin2 value(Vip1)
MaxCoin2Value_AL2 -> Max Coin2 value(Vip2)
MaxCoin2Value_AL3 -> Max Coin2 value(Vip3)
MaxCoin3Value_AL0 -> Max Coin3 value(Free)
MaxCoin3Value_AL1 -> Max Coin3 value(Vip1)
MaxCoin3Value_AL2 -> Max Coin3 value(Vip2)
MaxCoin3Value_AL3 -> Max Coin3 value(Vip3)
; New Calc Experecience System
; Disable to max level 400 (Default)
; Enbale to unlock the level limit
; Check the Data/Util/ExperienceFormula.txt
; MaxLevel 65000
NewExperecienceEnabled -> Enable new experience/level system(0=Off/1=On).
NewExperecienceMaxLevel -> Server max Level.
NewExperecienceMasterLevelStart -> Level to start the master level count.
// Move M difference level (DL,MG,RF)
DisableMoveDifferenceLevel -> Disable the move level difference by class.
// Required item level check level+masterlevel
RequiredItemLevelCheckMasterLevel -> Required Item Level count level + master level.
GameServerInfo - Custom.dat
; Announce Chaos Mix Settings
; 0: Disabled
; 1: Global message
; 2: Global message to all servers
AnnounceChaosMix10 -> Enable Announce Chaos Mix item level 10(0=Off/1=On).
AnnounceChaosMix11 -> Enable Announce Chaos Mix item level 11(0=Off/1=On).
AnnounceChaosMix12 -> Enable Announce Chaos Mix item level 12(0=Off/1=On).
AnnounceChaosMix13 -> Enable Announce Chaos Mix item level 13(0=Off/1=On).
AnnounceChaosMix14 -> Enable Announce Chaos Mix item level 14(0=Off/1=On).
AnnounceChaosMix15 -> Enable Announce Chaos Mix item level 15(0=Off/1=On).
Custom Arena Settings
CustomArenaSwitch -> Enable custom arena system(0=Off/1=On).
CustomArenaVictimScoreDecrease -> Decrease point(s) when die.
CustomArenaKillerScoreIncrease -> Increase point(s) when kill.
Custom Event Drop Settings
CustomEventDropSwitch -> Enable event drop system(0=Off/1=On).
Custom Store Settings
CustomStoreTime_AL0 -> Custom store max time(minutes, 0: disabled)(Free).
CustomStoreTime_AL1 -> Custom store max time(minutes, 0: disabled)(Vip 1).
CustomStoreTime_AL2 -> Custom store max time(minutes, 0: disabled)(Vip 2).
CustomStoreTime_AL3 -> Custom store max time(minutes, 0: disabled)(Vip 3).
CustomStoreCommandJoBSyntax -> Syntax to use the bless store.
CustomStoreCommandJoSSyntax -> Syntax to use the soul store.
CustomStoreCommandJoCSyntax -> Syntax to use the chaos store.
CustomStoreCommandWCCSyntax -> Syntax to use the WC store.
CustomStoreCommandWCPSyntax -> Syntax to use the WP store.
CustomStoreCommandWCGSyntax -> Syntax to use the GP store.
CustomStoreJoBName -> Name for Custom bless store.
CustomStoreJoSName -> Name for Custom Soul store.
CustomStoreJoCName -> Name for Custom Chaos store.
CustomStoreWCCName -> Name for Custom WCoinC store.
CustomStoreWCPName -> Name for Custom WCoinP store.
CustomStoreWCGName -> Name for Custom Goblin point store.
CustomStoreAutoResume_AL0 -> Auto resume the custom store when relog or gets disconnect.(Free).
CustomStoreAutoResume_AL1 -> Auto resume the custom store when relog or gets disconnect.(Vip 1).
CustomStoreAutoResume_AL2 -> Auto resume the custom store when relog or gets disconnect.(Vip 2).
CustomStoreAutoResume_AL3 -> Auto resume the custom store when relog or gets disconnect.(Vip 3).
CustomStoreOffAutoResumeEnable -> Enable offstore auto resume system(0=Off/1=On).
CustomStoreOffAutoResume_AL0 -> Auto resume the custom offline store when restart the gs(Free).
CustomStoreOffAutoResume_AL1 -> Auto resume the custom offline store when restart the gs(Vip 1).
CustomStoreOffAutoResume_AL2 -> Auto resume the custom offline store when restart the gs(Vip 2).
CustomStoreOffAutoResume_AL3 -> Auto resume the custom offline store when restart the gs(Vip 3).
Custom Attack Settings
CustomAttackTime_AL0 -> Custom attack max time(minutes, 0: disabled)(Free).
CustomAttackTime_AL1 -> Custom attack max time(minutes, 0: disabled)(Vip 1).
CustomAttackTime_AL2 -> Custom attack max time(minutes, 0: disabled)(Vip 2).
CustomAttackTime_AL3 -> Custom attack max time(minutes, 0: disabled)(Vip 3).
CustomAttackDelay -> Daley between attacks(ms) (0: disabled).
CustomAttackAutoPotionDelay -> Delay to use potion (ms).
CustomAttackAutoBuff_AL0 -> Enable auto buff(free).
CustomAttackAutoBuff_AL1 -> Enable auto buff(Vip 1).
CustomAttackAutoBuff_AL2 -> Enable auto buff(Vip 2).
CustomAttackAutoBuff_AL3 -> Enable auto buff(Vip 3).
CustomAttackAutoBuffDelay -> Delay to buff (ms).
CustomAttackAutoResume_AL0 -> Auto resume the custom attack when relog or gets disconnect.(Free).
CustomAttackAutoResume_AL1 -> Auto resume the custom attack when relog or gets disconnect.(Vip 1).
CustomAttackAutoResume_AL2 -> Auto resume the custom attack when relog or gets disconnect.(Vip 2).
CustomAttackAutoResume_AL3 -> Auto resume the custom attack when relog or gets disconnect.(Vip 3).
; Off Attack Settings (Custom Attack or OffHelper)
CustomAttackOffAutoResumeEnable -> Enable offattack auto resume system(0=Off/1=On).
CustomAttackOffAutoResume_AL0 -> Auto resume the custom offline attack when restart the gs(Free).
CustomAttackOffAutoResume_AL1 -> Auto resume the custom offline attack when restart the gs(Vip 1).
CustomAttackOffAutoResume_AL2 -> Auto resume the custom offline attack when restart the gs(Vip 2).
CustomAttackOffAutoResume_AL3 -> Auto resume the custom offline attack when restart the gs(Vip 3).
Custom Online Lottery Settings
CustomOnlineLotterySwitch -> Enable Online Lottery system(0=Off/1=On).
CustomOnlineLotteryNoOff -> Only for non offattack/offstore users.
Custom Quest Settings
CustomQuestSwitch -> Enable quest system(0=Off/1=On).
Custom RankUser Settings (CustomRankUser.txt)
Type Reset = 0, Type Master Reset = 1, Type Level = 2 , Type Quest = 3
CustomRankUserSwitch -> Enable Rank user system(0=Off/1=On).
CustomRankUserType -> Rank user type.
CustomRankUserRewardSwitch -> Reward a player when change the rank.
CustomRankUserNoticeToAll -> Show a global message when change the rank to all players.
CustomRankUserNoticeToUser -> Show a message to the player when change the rank.
CustomRankUserLevelMasterLevel -> Show Level+Master level in custom ranking tooltip.
CustomRankUserSwitchCharacter -> Show the Rank user in switch character.
Custom Death Message
CustomDeathMessageSwitch -> Enable Death Message system(0=Off/1=On).
Custom Quiz
CustomQuizSwitch -> Enable quiz system(0=Off/1=On).
Custom NpcCollector Settings (CustomNpcCollector.txt)
CustomNpcCollectorSwitch -> Enable npc collector system(0=Off/1=On).
Custom Pick Command (CustomPick.txt)
CustomPickSwitch -> Enable auto pick item system(0=Off/1=On).
CustomPickEnable_AL0 -> Enable system (Free).
CustomPickEnable_AL1 -> Enable system (Vip 1).
CustomPickEnable_AL2 -> Enable system (Vip 2).
CustomPickEnable_AL3 -> Enable system (Vip 3).
CustomPickRequireLevel_AL0 -> Required level to use (Free).
CustomPickRequireLevel_AL1 -> Required level to use (Vip 1).
CustomPickRequireLevel_AL2 -> Required level to use (Vip 2).
CustomPickRequireLevel_AL3 -> Required level to use (Vip 3).
CustomPickRequireReset_AL0 -> Required reset to use (Free).
CustomPickRequireReset_AL1 -> Required reset to use (Vip 1).
CustomPickRequireReset_AL2 -> Required reset to use (Vip 2).
CustomPickRequireReset_AL3 -> Required reset to use (Vip 3).
CustomPickRequireMoney_AL0 -> Required money to use (Free).
CustomPickRequireMoney_AL1 -> Required money to use (Vip 1).
CustomPickRequireMoney_AL2 -> Required money to use (Vip 2).
CustomPickRequireMoney_AL3 -> Required money to use (Vip 3).
Custom Ranking Settings (CustomRanking.txt) F8 in game
CustomRankingSwitch -> Enable ranking system in the client(0=Off/1=On).
Custom EventTime Settings H in game
CustomEventTimeSwitch -> Enable event time system in the client(0=Off/1=On).
Custom Guild Warehouse
Member Status to use:
0 All Members
32 Battle Master+
64 Guild Assistente+
128 Guild Master+
GuildWarehouseEnable -> Enable guild warehouse system(0=Off/1=On).
GuildWarehouseStatus -> Member stats level to use.
GuildWarehouseUseMessage -> Send a message to all guild members when a member open/close.
GuildWarehouseItemMessage -> Send a message to all guild members when a member move items.
Custom Shop MessageBox
0: Disabled
1: Only for coins
2: All purchases
CustomShopMessageBox -> Show a message box when buy an item in the common shop.
Custom Quest Settings (CustomNpcQuest.txt)
CustomNpcQuestSwitch -> Enable custom npc quest system(0=Off/1=On).
Custom Monster Info Tooltip (Alt+MouseOver)
CustomMonsterInfoSwitch -> Enable monster info tooltip system(0=Off/1=On).
Custom Item Vip
CustomItemVipSwitch -> Enable Custom item vip system(0=Off/1=On).
; Custom Pick Message
PickMessageSwitch -> Enable Custom Pick Message system(0=Off/1=On).
PickMessageColor -> Custom Pick Message color(Season 8 change the color in message_xxx.txt)
PickMessageExcellentItem -> Enable Excellent Item Pick Message(0=Off/1=On).
PickMessageSetItem -> Enable Set Item Pick Message(0=Off/1=On).
PickMessageSocketItem -> Enable Socket Item Pick Message(0=Off/1=On).
; Custom OffHelper
CustomOffHelperSwitch -> Enable OffHelper system(0=Off/1=On).
CustomOffHelperEnable_AL0 -> Enable system (Free).
CustomOffHelperEnable_AL1 -> Enable system (Vip1).
CustomOffHelperEnable_AL2 -> Enable system (Vip2).
CustomOffHelperEnable_AL3 -> Enable system (Vip3).
CustomOffHelperBuffDelay -> Delay to use buffs(ms)<
CustomOffHelperHealDelay -> Delay to use heal skill(ms)
CustomOffHelperPotionDelay -> Delay to use potions(ms)
CustomOffHelperRepairDelay -> Delay to repair item(ms)
CustomOffHelperTime_AL0 -> Max time to use(minuts)(Free).
CustomOffHelperTime_AL1 -> Max time to use(minuts)(Vip1).
CustomOffHelperTime_AL2 -> Max time to use(minuts)(Vip2).
CustomOffHelperTime_AL3 -> Max time to use(minuts)(Vip3).
CustomOffHelperPickEnable -> Enable auto pick items system(0=Off/1=On).
; Custom Flag System
CustomFlagSwitch -> Enable Custom Flag system(0=Off/1=On).
; Party Search
PartySearchEnable_AL0 -> Enable system (Free).
PartySearchEnable_AL1 -> Enable system (Vip1).
PartySearchEnable_AL2 -> Enable system (Vip2).
PartySearchEnable_AL3 -> Enable system (Vip3).
PartySearchNoticeToAll -> Send a global message when create a new party.
PartySearchLogoutReset -> Don't save party list if you leave the game.
; Gremory Case System
GremoryCaseEnable -> Enable Gremory Case system(0=Off/1=On).
GremoryCaseExpireDays -> Days to expire the items.
; Custom Add Status System
; 0: Disabled
; 1: Normal method
; 2: Add points at exact value
; 3: Add points at exact value (allow negative numbers)
CustomAddStatusType_AL0 -> Enable system (Free).
CustomAddStatusType_AL1 -> Enable system (Vip1).
CustomAddStatusType_AL2 -> Enable system (Vip2).
CustomAddStatusType_AL3 -> Enable system (Vip3).
; Custom Invasion Information(Client)
CustomInvasionInfoSwitch -> Enable Invasion Information system(0=Off/1=On).
; Custom Skin System
CustomSkinSwitch -> Enable custom skin system.
//-- Custom Jewel Bank (J)
//-- 1 Jewel Bank classic
//-- 2 New Item Bank System
CustomJewelBankSwitch -> Jewel bank type(Check the maininfo.ini too)
; Custom Reset Button
CustomResetButtonSwitch -> Enable Reset Button.
CustomMasterResetButtonSwitch -> Enable Master Reset Button
; Custom Lucky Wheel
CustomLuckyWheelSwitch -> Enable Lucky Wheel system.
GameServerInfo - Event.dat
Blood Castle Event Settings
BloodCastleEvent -> Turn on or off Blood Castle event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
BloodCastleEnterType -> Enter type (0 = Level / 1 = Reset / 2 = Master reset / 3 = No Check).
BloodCastleMaxUser -> Max Blood castle users.
BloodCastleAllowPk -> Allow player killer in blood castle.
BloodCastleAllowSafeZoneBuff -> Allow to use buffs.
BloodCastleMaxEntryCount_AL0 -> Event entry limit(Free).
BloodCastleMaxEntryCount_AL1 -> Event entry limit(Vip1).
BloodCastleMaxEntryCount_AL2 -> Event entry limit(Vip2).
BloodCastleMaxEntryCount_AL3 -> Event entry limit(Vip3).
Bonus Manager Settings
BonusManagerSwitch -> Turn on or off bonus event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
Castle Deep Event Settings
CastleDeepEvent -> Turn on or off Castle Deep event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
CastleDeepEventTime -> the Castle Deep event duration time.
Castle Siege Event Settings
CastleSiegeEvent -> Turn on or off event Castle Siege (0 = Off / 1 = League).
CastleSiegeCycleStartYear -> Year initialization of the Castle Siege cycle.
CastleSiegeCycleStartMonth -> Startup Month of Castle Siege cycle.
CastleSiegeCycleStartDay -> Startup Day at Castle Siege cycle.
CastleSiegeOffensiveWeaponDamage -> damage caused by the offending catapult in Castle Siege.
CastleSiegeDefensiveWeaponDamage -> Damage caused by catapult defender in Castle Siege.
CastleSiegeLowerAccumulatedTimeValue -> Total time, in milliseconds, lost when losing connection to the crown.
CastleSiegeDecayAccumulatedTimeValue -> Total time, in milliseconds, lost every second out of the crown room.
CastleSiegeResetAccumulatedTimeValue -> Reset accumulated time when die.
CastleSiegeGetCrownUserGuildLevel -> Allow User guild level to get crown.
CastleSiegeGetCrownTime -> Time to get the crown.(seconds)
CastleSiegeSeniorMixUnlimitedUse -> Use the senior mix without limits per day.
Chaos Castle Event Settings
ChaosCastleEvent -> Turn on or off Chaos Castle event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
ChaosCastleMinUser -> Min users to start the event.
ChaosCastleBlowUserRate -> Percentage chance of Chaos Castle monsters explode after death.
ChaosCastleMaxEntryCount_AL0 -> Event entry limit(Free).
ChaosCastleMaxEntryCount_AL1 -> Event entry limit(Vip1).
ChaosCastleMaxEntryCount_AL2 -> Event entry limit(Vip2).
ChaosCastleMaxEntryCount_AL3 -> Event entry limit(Vip3).
Crywolf Event Settings
CrywolfEvent -> Turn on or off Crywolf event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
CrywolfBenefitSwitch -> Turn on or off the benefits of winning the event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
CrywolfBenefitChaosRate -> Increase in the success rate of ChaosMix after winning the event.
CrywolfBenefitMonsterLife -> Percentage of life of the monsters after winning the event.
CrywolfPenaltySwitch -> Turn on or off the penalties to lose the event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
CrywolfPenaltyJewelDrop -> drop Percentage of jewelry after missing the event.
CrywolfPenaltyExperience -> Percentage of experience gained after losing the event.
Devil Square Event Settings
DevilSquareEvent -> Turn on or off event Devil Square (0 = Off / 1 = League).
DevilSquareEnterType -> Enter type (0 = Level / 1 = Reset / 2 = Master reset / 3 = No Check).
DevilSquareMaxUser -> Max Devil Square users.
DevilSquareMaxEntryCount_AL0 -> Event entry limit(Free).
DevilSquareMaxEntryCount_AL1 -> Event entry limit(Vip1).
DevilSquareMaxEntryCount_AL2 -> Event entry limit(Vip2).
DevilSquareMaxEntryCount_AL3 -> Event entry limit(Vip3).
Double Goer Event Settings
DoubleGoerEvent -> Turn on or off Double Goer Event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
DoubleGoerDifficultRate -> Double Event difficulty Percentage Goer.
DoubleGoerMaxEntryCount_AL0 -> Event entry limit(Free).
DoubleGoerMaxEntryCount_AL1 -> Event entry limit(Vip1).
DoubleGoerMaxEntryCount_AL2 -> Event entry limit(Vip2).
DoubleGoerMaxEntryCount_AL3 -> Event entry limit(Vip3).
Illusion Temple Event Settings
IllusionTempleEvent -> Turn on or off event Illusion Temple (0 = Off / 1 = League).
IllusionTempleMinUser -> Min users to start the event.
IllusionTempleRewardFenrirRate -> Percentage chance to drop a Golden Fenrir for the winner of the event. (x / 10000)
IllusionTempleMaxEntryCount_AL0 -> Event entry limit(Free).
IllusionTempleMaxEntryCount_AL1 -> Event entry limit(Vip1).
IllusionTempleMaxEntryCount_AL2 -> Event entry limit(Vip2).
IllusionTempleMaxEntryCount_AL3 -> Event entry limit(Vip3).
Imperial Guardian Event Settings
ImperialGuardianEvent -> Turn on or off event Imperial Guardian (0 = Off / 1 = League).
ImperialGuardianDifficultRate -> Imperial Guardian Event difficulty percentage.
ImperialGuardianBaseExperience -> Base experience for normal monsters.
ImperialGuardianFinalBossExperience -> Base experience for boss.
ImperialGuardianMaxEntryCount_AL0 -> Event entry limit(Free).
ImperialGuardianMaxEntryCount_AL1 -> Event entry limit(Vip1).
ImperialGuardianMaxEntryCount_AL2 -> Event entry limit(Vip2).
ImperialGuardianMaxEntryCount_AL3 -> Event entry limit(Vip3).
Invasion Manager Settings
InvasionManagerSwitch -> Turn on or off invasions system (0 = Off / 1 = League).
Kanturu Event Settings
KanturuEvent -> Turn on or off Kanturu event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
KanturuEventEnablePvP -> Enable pvp in kanturu Boss(0 = Off / 1 = On).
Moss Merchant Event Settings
MossMerchantEvent -> Turn on or off Moss Merchant (0 = Off / 1 = League).
MossMerchantEventTime -> Moss Merchant Length.
Raklion Event Settings
RaklionEvent -> Turn on or off Raklion event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
King of MU Event Settings
ReiDoMUEvent -> Turn on or off King of Mu (0 = Off / 1 = League).
ReiDoMUMap -> Event map.
ReiDoMUCordX -> Coordinate X to use the command.
ReiDoMUCordY -> Coordinate Y to use the command.
ReiDoMUGuildMinMembers -> Minimum guild users to be able to execute the command.
Quickly Event Settings
QuicklyEvent -> Turn on or off Quickly Event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
QuicklyEventAutoReward1 -> Auto reward WC.
QuicklyEventAutoReward2 -> Auto reward WP.
QuicklyEventAutoReward3 -> Auto reward GP.
Event Start Settings
EventStartSwitch -> Turn on or off Event Start (0 = Off / 1 = League).
EventStartTime -> Remain time in seconds to stay open the event.
Event Hide and Seek Settings
EventHideAndSeekSwitch -> Turn on or off Hide and Seek Event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
EventHideAndSeekMaxTime -> Max event time (minutes).
EventHideAndSeekAutoReward1 -> Auto reward WC.
EventHideAndSeekAutoReward2 -> Auto reward WP.
EventHideAndSeekAutoReward3 -> Auto reward GP.
Event Run And Catch Settings
EventRunAndCatchSwitch -> Turn on or off Run And Catch Event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
EventRunAndCatchTimeToEnter -> Max event time to enter (seconds).
EventRunAndCatchMaxTime -> Max event time (minutes).
EventRunAndCatchAutoReward1 -> Auto reward WC.
EventRunAndCatchAutoReward2 -> Auto reward WP.
EventRunAndCatchAutoReward3 -> Auto reward GP.
Event Russian Roulette Settings
EventRussianRouletteSwitch -> Turn on or off Russian Roulette Event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
EventRussianRouletteTimeToEnter -> Max event time to enter (seconds).
EventRussianRouletteMaxTime -> Max event time (minutes).
EventRussianRouletteMaxPlayer -> Max event users.
EventRussianRouletteAutoReward1 -> Auto reward WC.
EventRussianRouletteAutoReward2 -> Auto reward WP.
EventRussianRouletteAutoReward3 -> Auto reward GP.
EventRussianRouletteRemoveRate -> Chance rate to remove a player from the event.
Event PvP Settings
EventPvPSwitch -> Turn on or off Pvp Event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
EventPvPMaxScore -> Max score to win.
EventPvPMaxTime -> Max event time (minutes).
EventPvPAutoReward1 -> Auto reward WC.
EventPvPAutoReward2 -> Auto reward WP.
EventPvPAutoReward3 -> Auto reward GP.
Event Kill All Settings
EventKillAllSwitch -> Turn on or off Kill All Event (0 = Off / 1 = League).
EventKillAllTimeToEnter -> Max event time to enter (seconds).
EventKillAllDeadDecrease -> Decrease score when die.
EventKillAllKillIncrease -> Increase score when kill.
EventKillAllMinPlayers -> Min event users.
EventKillAllMaxPlayers -> Max event users.
EventKillAllMaxTime -> Max event time (minutes).
EventKillAllAutoReward1Rank1 -> Auto reward WC for 1st.
EventKillAllAutoReward1Rank2 -> Auto reward WC for 2st.
EventKillAllAutoReward1Rank3 -> Auto reward WC for 3st.
EventKillAllAutoReward2Rank1 -> Auto reward WP for 1st.
EventKillAllAutoReward2Rank2 -> Auto reward WP for 2st.
EventKillAllAutoReward2Rank3 -> Auto reward WP for 3st.
EventKillAllAutoReward3Rank1 -> Auto reward GP for 1st.
EventKillAllAutoReward3Rank2 -> Auto reward GP for 2st.
EventKillAllAutoReward3Rank3 -> Auto reward GP for 3st.
Event Team vs Team Settings
EventTvtSwitch -> Turn on or off Team vs Team Event(0 = Off / 1 = League).
EventTvtNpc -> Npc used for enter Event.
EventTvtNpcMap -> Npc Event map.
EventTvtNpcX -> Npc Coordinate X.
EventTvtNpcY -> Npc Coordinate Y.
EventTvtMinUsers -> Minimum Event users.
EventTvtMaxUsers -> Maximum Event users.
Event Guild vs Guild Settings
EventGvGSwitch -> Turn on or off Guild vs Guild Event(0 = Off / 1 = League).
EventGvGNpc -> Npc used for enter Event.
EventGvGNpcMap -> Npc Event map.
EventGvGNpcX -> Npc Coordinate X.
EventGvGNpcY -> Npc Coordinate Y.
EventGvGMinUsers -> Minimum Event users.
EventGvGMaxUsers -> Maximum Event users.
EventGvGMaxGuildMembers -> Maximum guild members enter by guild.
Event Battle Royale Settings
EventBattleRoyaleSwitch -> Turn on or off Guild vs Guild Event(0 = Off / 1 = League).
EventBattleRoyaleNpc -> Npc used for enter Event.
EventBattleRoyaleNpcMap -> Npc Event map.
EventBattleRoyaleNpcX -> Npc Coordinate X.
EventBattleRoyaleNpcY -> Npc Coordinate Y.
EventBattleRoyaleMinUser -> Minimum Event users.
EventBattleRoyaleMaxUser -> Maximum Event users.
EventBattleRoyaleStartStr-> Start Strenght points.
EventBattleRoyaleStartDex -> Start Dexterity points.
EventBattleRoyaleStartVit -> Start Vitality points.
EventBattleRoyaleStartEne -> Start Energy points.
EventBattleRoyaleStartUpPoint -> Start LevelUp points.
EventBattleRoyaleDropItensWhenDie -> Drop all player itens when die.
; Event Pvp Championship
EventPvpChampionshipSwitch -> Turn on or off Pvp Championship Event(0 = Off / 1 = League).
EventPvpChampionshipNpc -> Npc used for enter Event.
EventPvpChampionshipNpcMap -> Npc Event map.
EventPvpChampionshipNpcX -> Npc Coordinate X.
EventPvpChampionshipNpcY -> Npc Coordinate Y.
EventPvpChampionshipMinUsers -> Minimum Event users.
EventPvpChampionshipMaxUsers -> Maximum Event users.
EventPvpChampionshipMaxScore -> Max score to finish a duel.
EventPvpChampionshipMaxTime -> Max time to finish a duel.(minutes)
EventPvpChampionshipCharacterRefill -> Retore the character status before start the fight.
EventPvpChampionshipRoundReward1 -> Auto reward Coin1 for round winner.
EventPvpChampionshipRoundReward2 -> Auto reward Coin2 for round winner.
EventPvpChampionshipRoundReward3 -> Auto reward Coin3 for round winner.
EventPvpChampionshipWinnerReward1 -> Auto reward Coin1 for event winner.
EventPvpChampionshipWinnerReward2 -> Auto reward Coin2 for event winner.
EventPvpChampionshipWinnerReward3 -> Auto reward Coin3 for event winner.
; Auction Event
EventAuctionSwitch -> Turn on or off Auction Event(0 = Off / 1 = League).
; Kundun Boss Kalima 7 (Monster 275)
KundunOrderOfProtectionRate -> Rate to use the Order of Protection.
KundunOrderOfProtectionTime -> Order of Protection duration(seconds).
KundumRefillHPTime -> Time to reffil the HP(seconds).
KundumRefillHPRate -> Hp Rate to refill.
; Marathon Event
EventMarathonSwitch -> Turn on or off Marathon Event(0 = Off / 1 = League).
GameServerInfo - Hack.dat
Related videos:
Hack Settings
CheckSpeedHack -> Attack speed check system (0=Off/1=On).
CheckSpeedHackTolerance -> Maximum attack speed tolerance.
CheckLatencyHack -> Connection latency check system (0=Off/1=On).
CheckLatencyHackTolerance -> Maximum latency tolerance.
CheckAutoPotionHack -> Potion usage check system (0=Off/1=On).
CheckAutoPotionHackTolerance -> Cooldown time between potion use (Miliseconds).
CheckAutoComboHack -> Combo usage check system (0=Off/1=On).
CheckAutoComboHackTolerance -> Cooldown time between combo use (Miliseconds.
Hack Speed Skill Settings
SpeedHackSkillEnable -> Enable system.(0=Off/1=On)
SpeedHackSkillType -> (0=Show message in log only/1=Disconnect User/2=Disable Attack/3=Disable attack by x miliseconds/4=Disconnect User & bloc account).
SpeedHackSkillPenalty -> Miliseconds to disable the attack.
SpeedHackSkillDialog -> Show a message to player (0=Off/1=On).
SpeedHackSkillDebug -> Enable debug for tests, disable it after. (0=Off/1=On).
SpeedHackSkillMaxOverHits -> Value of hits exceeded to apply the second type of block.
SpeedHackSkillMaxOverHitsType -> Secod block type by over hits.
; AntiFlood Settings
; Recommended configuration
; Don't change without knowledge
AntiFloodActive -> Enable system.(0=Off/1=On)
AntiFloodResetTime -> Time to reset the count(ms)
AntiFloodMaxCount -> Max connections count to block.
AntiFloodCheckTime -> Time to check the number of connections(ms)
AntiFloodBlocTime -> Bloc time(minutes)
; Hack Movement Settings
; Types:
; 0: Show message in log only
; 1: Disconnect User
; 2: Disconnect User & bloc account
; 3: Order of Restraint Buff
SpeedHackMovementEnable -> Enable system.(0=Off/1=On)
SpeedHackMovementType -> Set the bloc system type.
SpeedHackMovementDistance -> Set the bloc system type.
SpeedHackMovementMaxBlockDays -> Days the account will be blocked.
SpeedHackMovementTolerance -> Limit amount to accuse hack.
SpeedHackMovementToleranceTime -> Timeout for checking and accusing.
SpeedHackMovementBuffTime -> Time for type 3 buff.
GameServerInfo - Skill.dat
Mana Shield Skill Settings
ManaShieldConstA -> Constant formula for damage reduction Mana Shield spell.
ManaShieldConstB -> Constant formula for damage reduction Mana Shield spell.
ManaShieldConstC -> Constant formula for damage reduction Mana Shield spell.
ManaShieldRateDW -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DWs.
ManaShieldRateDK -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DKs.
ManaShieldRateFE -> Percentage of effect that will apply to AGs.
ManaShieldRateMG -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to MGs.
ManaShieldRateDL -> Percentage of effect that will apply to DLs.
ManaShieldRateSU -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to SUs.
ManaShieldRateRF -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to RFs.
ManaShieldTimeConstA -> duration of Formula constant in seconds Mana Shield spell.
ManaShieldTimeConstB -> duration of Formula constant in seconds Mana Shield spell.
ManaShieldMaxRate -> Maximum amount of damage reduction of Mana Shield spell.
# FORMULA = (ManaShieldConstA + (PlayerDexterity / ManaShieldConstB) + (PlayerEnergy / gServerInfo.m_ManaShieldConstC)) #
# FORMULA = (ManaShieldTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / ManaShieldTimeConstB)) #
Heal Skill Settings
HealConstA -> Constant formula recovery of life Heal spell.
HealConstB -> Constant formula recovery of life Heal spell.
# FORMULA = (HealConstA + (PlayerEnergy / HealConstB)) #
Greater Defense Skill Settings
GreaterDefenseConstA -> Constant formula of defense increased Greater Defense magic.
GreaterDefenseConstB -> Constant formula of defense increased Greater Defense magic.
GreaterDefenseRateDW -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DWs.
GreaterDefenseRateDK -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DKs.
GreaterDefenseRateFE -> Percentage of effect that will apply to AGs.
GreaterDefenseRateMG -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to MGs.
GreaterDefenseRateDL -> Percentage of effect that will apply to DLs.
GreaterDefenseRateSU -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to SUs.
GreaterDefenseRateRF -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to RFs.
GreaterDefenseTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Greater Defense magic.
# FORMULA = (GreaterDefenseConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterDefenseConstB)) #
Greater Damage Skill Settings
GreaterDamageConstA -> Constant formula increase of Greater Damage magic damage.
GreaterDamageConstB -> Constant formula increase of Greater Damage magic damage.
GreaterDamageRateDW -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DWs.
GreaterDamageRateDK -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DKs.
GreaterDamageRateFE -> Percentage of effect that will apply to AGs.
GreaterDamageRateMG -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to MGs.
GreaterDamageRateDL -> Percentage of effect that will apply to DLs.
GreaterDamageRateSU -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to SUs.
GreaterDamageRateRF -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to RFs.
GreaterDamageTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Greater Damage magic.
# FORMULA = (GreaterDamageConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterDamageConstB)) #
Summon Monster Skill Settings
SummonMonster1 -> monster number to be raised by Summon Goblin magic.
SummonMonster2 -> monster number to be invoked by the magic Summon Stone Golem.
SummonMonster3 -> monster number to be invoked by the magic Summon Assassin.
SummonMonster4 -> monster number to be invoked by the magic Summon Elite Yeti.
SummonMonster5 -> monster number to be raised by the Summon Dark Knight magic.
SummonMonster6 -> monster number to be invoked by the magic Summon Bali.
SummonMonster7 -> monster number to be raised by the Summon Soldier magic.
SummonMonster8 -> monster number to be invoked by the magic Summon Satyros.
Greater LifeSkill Settings
GreaterLifeConstA -> Constant formula of increased life of the Greater Life magic.
GreaterLifeConstB -> Constant formula of increased life of the Greater Life magic.
GreaterLifeConstC -> Constant formula of increased life of the Greater Life magic.
GreaterLifeRateDW -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DWs.
GreaterLifeRateDK -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DKs.
GreaterLifeRateFE -> Percentage of effect that will apply to AGs.
GreaterLifeRateMG -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to MGs.
GreaterLifeRateDL -> Percentage of effect that will apply to DLs.
GreaterLifeRateSU -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to SUs.
GreaterLifeRateRF -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to RFs.
GreaterLifeTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds of the Greater Life magic.
GreaterLifeTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds of the Greater Life magic.
GreaterLifeMaxRate -> Maximum amount of increased Greater Life magic of life.
# FORMULA = (GreaterLifeConstA + (PlayerVitality / GreaterLifeConstB) + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterLifeConstC)) #
# FORMULA = (GreaterLifeTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterLifeTimeConstB)) #
Fire Slash Skill Settings
FireSlashConstA -> Constant formula of defense reduction Slash Fire magic.
FireSlashConstB -> Constant formula of defense reduction Slash Fire magic.
FireSlashTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Fire Slash magic.
FireSlashMaxRate -> maximum reduction of defense of Fire Slash magic value.
# FORMULA = (FireSlashConstA + (PlayerEnergy / FireSlashConstB)) #
Greater Critical Damage Skill Settings
GreaterCriticalDamageConstA -> Constant formula of critical damage increased Greater Critical Damage magic.
GreaterCriticalDamageConstB -> Constant formula of critical damage increased Greater Critical Damage magic.
GreaterCriticalDamageTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds of Greater Critical Damage magic.
GreaterCriticalDamageTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds of Greater Critical Damage magic.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerEnergy / GreaterCriticalDamageConstA) + (PlayerLeadership / GreaterCriticalDamageConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (GreaterCriticalDamageTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterCriticalDamageTimeConstB)) #
Stern Skill Settings
SternTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Stern magic.
Greater Mana Skill Settings
GreaterManaConstA -> magic mana increased Value Greater Mana.
GreaterManaTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Greater Mana magic.
Invisibility Skill Settings
InvisibilityTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Invisibility spell.
Brand Skill Settings
BrandTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds Brand magic.
Infinity Arrow Skill Settings
InfinityArrowTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of magic Infinity Arrow.
Magic Damage Immunity Skill Settings
MagicDamageImmunityTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of magic Magic Damage Immunity.
Physi Damage Immunity Skill Settings
PhysiDamageImmunityTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Physi Damage Immunity magic.
Drain Life Skill Settings
DrainLifeConstA -> Constant Formula Drain Life spell of recovery life.
DrainLifeConstB -> Constant Formula Drain Life spell of recovery life.
# FORMULA = (((* PlayerDamage DrainLifeConstA) / 100) + (PlayerEnergy / DrainLifeConstB)) #
Reflect Damage Skill Settings
ReflectDamageConstA -> Constant Formula Reflect Damage magic of damage reflection.
ReflectDamageConstB -> Constant Formula Reflect Damage magic of damage reflection.
ReflectDamageRateDW -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DWs.
ReflectDamageRateDK -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DKs.
ReflectDamageRateFE -> Percentage of effect that will apply to AGs.
ReflectDamageRateMG -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to MGs.
ReflectDamageRateDL -> Percentage of effect that will apply to DLs.
ReflectDamageRateSU -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to SUs.
ReflectDamageRateRF -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to RFs.
ReflectDamageTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds Reflect Damage spell.
ReflectDamageTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds Reflect Damage spell.
ReflectDamageMaxRate -> Maximum amount of reflection Reflect Damage spell damage.
# FORMULA = (ReflectDamageConstA + (PlayerEnergy / ReflectDamageConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (ReflectDamageTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / ReflectDamageTimeConstB)) #
Power Sword Skill Settings
SwordPowerConstA -> Constant formula of increasing damage and speed of the Power Sword magic.
SwordPowerConstB -> Constant formula of reduction of life and defense of the Power Sword magic.
SwordPowerTimeConstA -> Constant length of the formula in seconds the Power Sword magic.
SwordPowerTimeConstB -> Constant length of the formula in seconds the Power Sword magic.
SwordPowerMaxRate -> Value Maximum Power Sword magic damage increased.
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / SwordPowerConstA) #
# FORMULA = (40- (PlayerEnergy / SwordPowerConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (SwordPowerTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / SwordPowerTimeConstB)) #
Skill Sleep Settings
SleepConstA -> Constant Formula chance to Sleep magic hit.
SleepConstB -> Constant Formula chance to Sleep magic hit.
SleepTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds from Sleep magic.
SleepTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds from Sleep magic.
SleepMaxTime -> Duration in Maximum Sleep magic seconds.
# FORMULA = (SleepConstA + (PlayerEnergy / SleepConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (SleepTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / SleepTimeConstB)) #
Lesser Defense Skill Settings
LesserDefenseConstA -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseConstB -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseConstC -> Constant formula of defense reduction Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseConstD -> Constant formula of defense reduction Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds of the Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds of the Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseMaxRate -> Maximum Value defense reduction of Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseMaxRateDW -> Maximum Value defense reduction of Lesser Defense magic for DW.
LesserDefenseMaxRateDK -> Maximum Value defense reduction of Lesser Defense magic for DK.
LesserDefenseMaxRateFE -> Maximum Value defense reduction of Lesser Defense magic for FE.
LesserDefenseMaxRateMG -> Maximum Value defense reduction of Lesser Defense magic for MG.
LesserDefenseMaxRateDL -> Maximum Value defense reduction of Lesser Defense magic for DL.
LesserDefenseMaxRateSU -> Maximum Value defense reduction of Lesser Defense magic for SU.
LesserDefenseMaxRateRF -> Maximum Value defense reduction of Lesser Defense magic for RF.
# FORMULA = (LesserDefenseConstA + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDefenseConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (LesserDefenseConstC + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDefenseConstD)) #
# FORMULA = (LesserDefenseTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDefenseTimeConstB)) #
Lesser Skill Damage Settings
LesserDamageConstA -> Constant Formula chance to hit the magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageConstB -> Constant Formula chance to hit the magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageConstC -> Constant formula for damage reduction of magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageConstD -> Constant formula for damage reduction of magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds of magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds of magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageMaxRate -> Maximum amount of reduction Lesser Damage magic damage.
LesserDamageMaxRateDW -> Maximum amount of reduction Lesser Damage magic damage for DW.
LesserDamageMaxRateDK -> Maximum amount of reduction Lesser Damage magic damage for DK.
LesserDamageMaxRateFE -> Maximum amount of reduction Lesser Damage magic damage for FE.
LesserDamageMaxRateMG -> Maximum amount of reduction Lesser Damage magic damage for MG.
LesserDamageMaxRateDL -> Maximum amount of reduction Lesser Damage magic damage for DL.
LesserDamageMaxRateSU -> Maximum amount of reduction Lesser Damage magic damage for SU.
LesserDamageMaxRateRF -> Maximum amount of reduction Lesser Damage magic damage for RF.
# FORMULA = (LesserDamageConstA + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDamageConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (LesserDamageConstC + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDamageConstD)) #
# FORMULA = (LesserDamageTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDamageTimeConstB)) #
Sahamutt Skill Settings
SahamuttConstA -> Percentage of damage that will be periodic in Sahamutt magic.
Neil Skill Settings
NeilConstA -> Percentage of damage that will be periodic in magic Neil.
Magic Circle Skill Settings
MagicCircleConstA -> Percentage of increase in the minimum damage of the Magic Circle magic.
MagicCircleTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of the Magic Circle magic.
Recover Shield Skill Settings
ShieldRecoverConstA -> Constant formula shell Recovery Magic Shield Recover.
ShieldRecoverConstB -> Constant formula shell Recovery Magic Shield Recover.
# FORMULA = (ShieldRecoverConstA + (PlayerEnergy / ShieldRecoverConstB)) #
Dragon Slayer Skill Settings
DragonSlayerConstA -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Dragon Slayer magic.
DragonSlayerConstB -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Dragon Slayer magic.
DragonSlayerConstC -> Constant formula SD reduction percentage of Dragon Slayer magic.
DragonSlayerConstD -> Constant formula SD reduction percentage of Dragon Slayer magic.
DragonSlayerMaxRate -> Value Maximum SD reduction percentage of Dragon Slayer magic.
# FORMULA = (DragonSlayerConstA + (PlayerEnergy / DragonSlayerConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (DragonSlayerConstC + (PlayerEnergy / DragonSlayerConstD)) #
Greater Ignore Defense Skill Rate Settings
GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateConstA -> Constant Formula chance to ignore the defense of magic Greater Ignore Defense Rate.
GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateConstB -> Constant formula change to ignore defense magic Greater Ignore Defense Rate.
GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateTimeConstA -> Constant length formula in seconds the Greater Ignore Defense Rate magic.
GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateTimeConstB -> Constant length formula in seconds the Greater Ignore Defense Rate magic.
# FORMULA = (GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateTimeConstB)) #
Fitness Skill Settings
FitnessConstA -> Constant formula of increased vitality of Fitness Magic.
FitnessConstB -> Constant formula of increased vitality of Fitness Magic.
FitnessTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds of Fitness Magic.
FitnessTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds of Fitness Magic.
# FORMULA = (FitnessConstA + (PlayerEnergy / FitnessConstB)) #
Greater Defense Success Rate Skill Settings
GreaterDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula increased chance of defending Greater Defense Success Rate magic.
GreaterDefenseSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula increased chance of defending Greater Defense Success Rate magic.
GreaterDefenseSuccessRateTimeConstA -> Constant length formula in seconds of Greater Defense Success Rate magic.
GreaterDefenseSuccessRateTimeConstB -> Constant length formula in seconds of Greater Defense Success Rate magic.
# FORMULA = (GreaterDefenseSuccessRateConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterDefenseSuccessRateConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (GreaterDefenseSuccessRateTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterDefenseSuccessRateTimeConstB)) #
Party Heal Skill Settings
PartyHealConstA -> Constant formula recovery of life the magic Heal Party.
PartyHealConstB -> Constant formula recovery of life the magic Heal Party.
# FORMULA = (PartyHealConstA + (PlayerEnergy / PartyHealConstB)) #
Bless Skill Settings
BlessConstA -> Constant formula increasing points of the Bless spell.
BlessTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of the Bless spell.
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / BlessConstA) #
Blind Skill Settings
BlindConstA -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Blind spell.
BlindConstB -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Blind spell.
BlindConstC -> Percentage of reducing chance to hit by an attack from the Blind spell.
BlindTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of the Blind spell.
# FORMULA = (BlindConstA + (PlayerEnergy / BlindConstB)) #
Earth Prison Skill Settings
EarthPrisonConstA -> Chance to paralyze the Earth Prison magic.
Iron Defense Skill Settings
IronDefenseConstA -> Life Quantity added by the magic Iron Defense.
IronDefenseConstB -> defense Quantity added by the magic Iron Defense.
IronDefenseTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Iron Defense magic.
Blood Howling Skill Settings
BloodHowlingConstA -> Chance to hit the magic Howling Blood.
BloodHowlingConstB -> periodic damage caused by magic Howling Blood.
BloodHowlingTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of magic Howling Blood.
Death Stab Skill Hit Mutiplier
DeathStabHitMultiplier -> Death stab hit increase, DeathStabHitMultiplier by attack.
; Attack when use Teleport skill
DisableTeleportAttack -> Disable attacks when using teleport skill
; Disable Teleport Skill when Immobilized (Ex. By Ice arrow)
DisableTeleportImmobilized -> Disable attacks when imobilized.
; Disable Twist Slash Multi Attack on Castle Siege
DisableTwistSlashMultiAttack -> Disable Twist slash multi target in Castle Siege.
; Earth Quake Skill Settings
EarthquakeThrowDistance -> Maximum distance the skill will push the players.
; Ice Arrow Skill Settings
IceArrowSkillRate -> Rate chance to apply the skill effect.
IceArrowSkillTime -> Effect time.
Section 0: Invasion schedule.
Index: Invasion identification number.
Check schedule guide for the rest.
Section 1: Invasion main configuration.
Index: Invasion identification number.
InvasionName: Choose your invasion name.
RespawnMessage: Index of the message from "Message.txt" that is sent when the invasion starts, -1 if none.
DespawnMessage: Index of the message from "Message.txt" that is sent when the invasion ends, -1 if none.
BossIndex: Monster number of the invasion boss, -1 if none.
BossMessage: Index of the message from "Message.txt" that is sent when the invasion boss is killed, -1 if none.
InvasionTime: Invasion duration time, in seconds.
WarningTime: Invasion warning time, in minutes.
Section 2: Invasion respawn group configuration.
Index: Invasion identification number.
Group: Invasion respawn group identification number. Only one line from each different group will be used to spawn monsters, if theres more than one line from a same group the line will be picked randomly.
Value: Invasion monster spawn identification number.
Section 3: Invasion monster spawn configuration.
Index: Invasion identification number.
Group: Invasion respawn group identification number.
Value: Invasion monster spawn identification number.
Class: Monster number.
Count: Monster amount.
MapN: Monster spawn map.
MapSX: Monster spawn start position X.
MapSY: Monster spawn start position Y.
MapTX: Monster spawn final position X.
MapTY: Monster spawn final position Y.
RegenType: (0) monster respawn disabled, (1) monster respawn enabled.
RegenTime: Monster respawn time, in miliseconds.
NeedOnlinePlayers: Online player count to spawn the monster.
Index: Item index, -1 to enable EventItemBag drop.
Level: Item fixed level, or bag SpecialValue if Index is -1.
Grade: Item fixed excellent option or durability, or bag SpecialLevel if Index is -1.
Option0: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 0, -1 if none.
Option1: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 1, -1 if none.
Option2: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 2, -1 if none.
Option3: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 3, -1 if none.
Option4: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 4, -1 if none.
Option5: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 5, -1 if none.
Option6: Option index from file "ItemOptionRate.txt" section 6, -1 if none.
Duration: Item duration time, in seconds, (0) for permanent item.
MapNumber: Map number required, -1 if any.
MonsterClass: Monster number required, -1 if any.
MonsterLevelMin: Monster minimum level required, -1 if any.
MonsterLevelMax: Monster maximum level required, -1 if any.
DropRate_AL0: Item drop rate for free account, x/1000000.
DropRate_AL1: Item drop rate for vip1 account, x/1000000.
DropRate_AL2: Item drop rate for vip2 account, x/1000000.
DropRate_AL3: Item drop rate for vip3 account, x/1000000.
The file "ItemOption.txt" controls the basic options of the game.
0 = Option 1 (Skill)
1 = Option 2 (Lucky)
2 = Option 3 (Jewel of life)
3 = Option excellent 1 (1)
4 = Option excellent 2 (2)
5 = Option excellent 3 (4)
6 = Option excellent 4 (8)
7 = Option excellent 5 (16)
8 = Option excellent 6 (32)
9 = Common 1
10 = Common 2
11 = Common 3
12 = Common 4
13 = Common 5
Option Index:
Value that will be applied to the option.
The minimum item identification number, generate from the "Item.txt".
The maximum item identification number, generate from the "Item.txt".
The item level to set the option
-1(*) to ignore.
Aplplication Option 1 (Skill), to apply the option.
-1(*) to ignore.
Aplplication Option 2 (Lucky), to apply the option.
-1(*) to ignore.
Aplplication Option 3 (Jewel of life), to apply the option.
-1(*) to ignore.
Aplplication NewOption (Excellent), to apply the option.
-1(*) to ignore.
Related Videos:
Section 0: Item level.
Index: Option rate identification number.
Rate 0: Proportional rate to return level +0.
Rate 1: Proportional rate to return level +1.
Rate 2: Proportional rate to return level +2.
Rate 3: Proportional rate to return level +3.
Rate 4: Proportional rate to return level +4.
Rate 5: Proportional rate to return level +5.
Rate 6: Proportional rate to return level +6.
Rate 7: Proportional rate to return level +7.
Rate 8: Proportional rate to return level +8.
Rate 9: Proportional rate to return level +9.
Rate 10: Proportional rate to return level +10.
Rate 11: Proportional rate to return level +11.
Rate 12: Proportional rate to return level +12.
Rate 13: Proportional rate to return level +13.
Rate 14: Proportional rate to return level +14.
Rate 15: Proportional rate to return level +15.
Section 1: Item skill.
Index: Option rate identification number.
Rate0: Proportional rate to return skill disabled.
Rate1: Proportional rate to return skill enabled.
Section 2: Item luck.
Index: Option rate identification number.
Rate0: Proportional rate to return luck disabled.
Rate1: Proportional rate to return luck enabled.
Section 3: Item Jewel of Life option.
Index: Option rate identification number.
Rate 0: Proportional rate to return JoL option disabled.
Rate 1: Proportional rate to return JoL option with value 1.
Rate 2: Proportional rate to return JoL option with value 2.
Rate 3: Proportional rate to return JoL option with value 3.
Rate 4: Proportional rate to return JoL option with value 4.
Rate 5: Proportional rate to return JoL option with value 5.
Rate 6: Proportional rate to return JoL option with value 6.
Rate 7: Proportional rate to return JoL option with value 7.
Section 4: Item excellent option.
Index: Option rate identification number.
Rate 0: Proportional rate to return excellent option disabled.
Rate 1: Proportional rate to return 1 excellent options.
Rate 2: Proportional rate to return 2 excellent options.
Rate 3: Proportional rate to return 3 excellent options.
Rate 4: Proportional rate to return 4 excellent options.
Rate 5: Proportional rate to return 5 excellent options.
Rate 6: Proportional rate to return 6 excellent options.
Section 5: Item ancient option.
Index: Option rate identification number.
Rate 0: Proportional rate to return set option disabled.
Rate 1: Proportional rate to return any set option with +5 stats.
Rate 2: Proportional rate to return any set option with +10 stats.
Rate 3: Proportional rate to return 1º set option with +5 stats..
Rate 4: Proportional rate to return 1º set option with +10 stats.
Rate 5: Proportional rate to return 2º set option with +5 stats.
Rate 6: Proportional rate to return 2º set option with +10 stats.
Section 6: Item socket option.
Index: Option rate identification number.
Rate 0: Proportional rate to return socket option disabled.
Rate 1: Proportional rate to return 1 socket slots.
Rate 2: Proportional rate to return 2 socket slots.
Rate 3: Proportional rate to return 3 socket slots.
Rate 4: Proportional rate to return 4 socket slots.
Rate 5: Proportional rate to return 5 socket slots.
The proportional rate is the relative value of the column rate compared with the sum of all columns rate.
Index Rate0 Rate1 Rate2
1 0 7000 3000
2 0 66 66
3 0 10 30
4 0 1 2
1: 0+7000+3000 = 10000
2: 0+66+66 = 132
3: 0+10+30 = 40
4: 0+1+2 = 3
Getting the individual rate of Rate1:
Formula: Column Rate / Total Rate x 100
1: 7000 / 10000 = 0,7 x 100 = 70%
2: 66 / 132 = 0,5 x 100 = 50%
3: 10 / 40 = 0,25 x 100 = 25%
4: 1 / 3 = 0,33 x 100 = 33%
Index: Map number.
NonPK: (-1) default configuration, (0) pk enabled, (1) pk disabled, (2) pk enabled and outlaw disabled.
ViewRange: View distance, higher the value higher the area which the player will be able to see monsters and players.
ExperienceRate: Experience rate at the map. EX: (100) default, (200) double, (50) half.
ItemDropType: Sum of item drop type options or * to default drop type.
ItemDropRate: Item drop rate at the map. EX: (100) default, (200) double, (50) half.
ExcItemDropRate: Excellent item drop rate at the map, x/1000000.
SetItemDropRate: Ancient item drop at the map, x/1000000.
SocketItemDrop: (1) enable socket item drop at the map, (0) disable.
HelperEnable: (1) enable MUHelper at the map, (0) disable.
GensBattle: (1) map is a gens battle zone, (0) its not.
CustomAttack: Enable/disable custom attack command (0=off/1=on).
CustomStore: Enable/disable custom store command (0=off/1=on).
CustomPick: Enable/disable custom pick command (0=off/1=on).
CommandHelper: Enable/disable helper command (0=off/1=on).
CommandOffPvP: Enable/disable offpvp command (0=off/1=on).
PkDropItem: Enable/disable Pk item drop system (0=off/1=on).
AllowTrade: Allow map trade (0=off/1=on).
GuildWar: Allow guild war command (0=off/1=on).
MarryCommands: Allow marry commands (0=off/1=on).
AccountLevel: Map by account level (0=free/1=vip1/2=vip2/3=vip3).
CashShop: Enable/disable the CashShop.
StartGate: When swith character or login server goes to this gate or * to disable.
DeathGate: Move to this gate when die.
*: All Drop
0: Disable All drop
1: Money drop
2: Common drop
4: ItemDrop.txt
8: EventItemBag Drop
Message: Notice message.
Type: Notice type, (0) global message, (1) system message, (2) slide message.
Opacity: Message opacity, only used with type 2.
Delay: Message delay, only used with type 2.
ColorR: Message color Red, only used with type 2.
ColorG: Message color green, only used with type 2.
ColorB: Message color blue, only used with type 2.
Speed: Message slide speed, only used with type 2.
RepeatTime: Time, in secods, to send the notice after the last one.
Reloading Files
Reload CashShop:
- GameServerInfo - Common.dat
- CashShopPackage.txt
- CashShopProduct.txt
Reload ChaosMix:
- GameServerInfo - ChaosMix.dat
- CustomMix.txt
Reload Character:
- GameServerInfo - Character.dat
- DefaultClassInfo.txt
- DefaultClassStatus.txt
Reload Command:
- Command.txt
- GameServerInfo - Command.dat
Reload Common:
- GameServerInfo - Common.dat
- Effect.txt
- MapManager.txt
- MapManager.txt
- MapServerInfo.dat
- Message.txt
- MiniMap.txt
- Mining.txt
Reload Move:
- Gate.txt
- Move.txt
- MoveSummon.txt
- CustomMove.txt
Reload Custom:
- GameServerInfo - Custom.dat
- All files in folder Data/Custom
Reload Event:
- GameServerInfo - Event.dat
- All files in folder Data/Event
Reload EventItemBag:
- EventItemBagManager.txt
- All files in folder Data/EventItemBag
Reload Hack:
- GameServerInfo - Hack.dat
- All files in folder Data/Hack
Reload Monster:
- All files in folder Data/Monster
- All files in folder Data/MonsterSetBase
Reload Quest:
- All files in folder Data/Quest
- All files in folder Data/QuestWorld
Reload Shop:
- ShopManager.txt
- All files in folder Data/Shop
Reload Skill:
- GameServerInfo - Skill.dat
- All files in folder Data/Skill
Reload Util:
- Notice.txt
- ResetTable.txt
- MasterResetTable.txt
- ExperienceTable.txt
- Filter.txt
- FilterRename.txt
- MonsterPowerTable.txt
- GameMaster.txt
Related videos:
DESCRIPTION: Manage the server shops, one NPC can handle more than one shop, just create different requirements for each one.
Npc: Monster number associated with the shop, must be a NPC.
Map: Map number where the shop is located, -1 any.
X: Map position X where the shop is located, -1 any.
Y: Map position Y where the shop is located, -1 any.
Time Settings
Setting Times:
Year: Year of the event(-1(*) occurs all years)
Month: Month of the event(-1(*) occurs all months)
Day: Day of the event(-1(*) occurs all days)
Dow: Day of week(-1(*) occurs all weeks)
1 - Sunday
2 - Monday
3 - Tuesday
4 - Wednesday
5 - Thursday
6 - Friday
7 - Saturday
Hour: Event start time(-1(*) occurs every hour)
Minute: Event start minute(-1(*) occurs every minute)
Second: Event start second(-1(*) occurs every second)
Vip Manager
Adding VIP
To add vip to the account, execute this query in the Sql Server.
UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET AccountLevel = 1, AccountExpireDate = GETDATE() + 30 where memb___id = 'LOGIN'
1 - Account Level (AL0=0, AL1=1, AL2=2, AL3=3)
30 - Vip days
LOGIN - Account Login
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